Hey there,
Yesterday I've released my latest game,
Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble 2 and 2 months ago I released
Super Mario Bros. Star Scramble.
The first game has gotten 18,592,991 plays as of today adding about 150,000 per day so I think it's fair to say it's been pretty popular

I hope the second part will get a minimum of 20,000,000 plays.
Now, for part 3 I'd like to add more classic Mario features like mushrooms, breakable blocks etc. so I'm looking for spriters who'd like to draw Mario and possibly some other features. I think we can work something out as a reward for your hard work (make sure you have PayPal

I really like the Mario Party Advance color palette but dislike the shape/posing. I like the shape of Dex/MR21's sprites more (see below).
I think it's best if people who are interested in drawing the sprites would post a sample Mairo below so I can choose which I like best.
Do you have a specific budget for this job?
(05-13-2010, 03:12 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]Do you have a specific budget for this job?
Don't worry about the budget, I work for my boss which is gonna do the payment so it's not like I have a spare $20, it will be paid properly. I make a living making these sort of games to give you an idea

I'll probably whip up something in a bit, I could really use money right about now ;P
Here's something that I whipped up real quick. This was honestly my first time spriting Mario, I think I did a decent job :B
(05-13-2010, 04:32 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: that_fucking_plumber_by_TyvonnosaurusRex.gif]](http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/133/9/4/that_fucking_plumber_by_TyvonnosaurusRex.gif)
Here's something that I whipped up real quick. This was honestly my first time spriting Mario, I think I did a decent job :B
Hm, I think it's too high compared to the previous sprites I used and I don't like the face with the big nose and Anime-like eyes. Sorry

It's a really good sprite, but not really the style I was looking for.
Do you have a better comparison of a style you're looking for, perhaps? If those are the only flaws that you can find, it shouldn't be that hard to fix them.
(05-13-2010, 05:03 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]Do you have a better comparison of a style you're looking for, perhaps? If those are the only flaws that you can find, it shouldn't be that hard to fix them.
Yeah, if you take my picture in the first post just try to go with the first style, so the Mario Party Advance style but a pose like you did.
This going in the right direction?
(05-13-2010, 05:29 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: marior.gif]](http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/2744/marior.gif)
This going in the right direction?
Hell yeah! That's alot better! I'm going to wait a bit see what other come up with but yours is a great entry

No problem. Shoot me an e-mail at tyvon@pixelxcore.net once you've decided on an artist (:
1. As they said on MFGG, it's probably not entirely legal to profit on a fan game
2. I hope you fixed the jumping glitch in your engine. Why can no flash developer ever realize that you can hold down the space bar and jump again upon touching the ground? It takes like two minutes to implement the solution:
var jumping:Boolean = false;
// stuff
function onEnterFrame():Void {
// stuff
if(!Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)){ jumping=false; }
(05-18-2010, 10:52 AM)Super Goombario Wrote: [ -> ]1. As they said on MFGG, it's probably not entirely legal to profit on a fan game
If you stick by those rules, it's not legal for the MFGG or The Spriters Resource to exist since these websites both have advertising and make profit on material owned by others. So that's a false statement and don't worry, I know what I am doing and if not, Nintendo will tell me.
(05-18-2010, 10:52 AM)Super Goombario Wrote: [ -> ]2. I hope you fixed the jumping glitch in your engine. Why can no flash developer ever realize that you can hold down the space bar and jump again upon touching the ground? It takes like two minutes to implement the solution:
var jumping:Boolean = false;
// stuff
function onEnterFrame():Void {
// stuff
if(!Key.isDown(Key.SPACE)){ jumping=false; }
Thanks for the suggestion, I will keep that in mind making my next game(s).

I've never seen this as a problem but now you mention it yeah, it's pretty normal not to keep jumping.