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(05-12-2010, 10:11 AM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]Dude.

(05-17-2009, 12:49 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]We're always looking forward to having new custom sprites to pad out our very small (and kinda low-quality) custom section.

But because of the current lack of content, we want to make EXTRA sure that any new submissions are up to standard.

This means that for all submissions we will be administering Quality Control. What is Quality Control? It's a system where the moderation team (and any other spriters) look at the sprites and make sure they're the best the can possibly be.

If they are, that's great! We'd be happy to accept them to tSR! If not, then a mod or admin will move the thread to Sprite Discussion for improvements.

However, mods and admins don't exist soley to move your threads around, so be a help, and ask yourself "Is what I'm posting here the best it can possibly be?" If you're in doubt as to whether your work will stand the strain of Quality Control, post it in Sprite Discussion instead, and we'll move it if it's good enough.

Veteran submitters are largely exempt from this, but we'll still call you out if you get lazy!

Newbie spriters are not recommended to submit to tSR. It's harsh, but this board is for those who know what they're doing and can produce high-standard sheets consistently.

Edit: As of 28/07/09, 2 new rules added -
- Only submissions that are arguably 'complete' will be accepted. Of course if you want to update or fix something on a complete sheet, that's perfectly cool and welcomed; but we'll specifically reject sheets that are visibly unfinished.

- Threads that are sucessfully accepted, but are not updated with new content regularly (i.e. the thread is created to submit a single sheet) will be locked once it's been processed. It stops old, completed threads from being bumped repeatedly, and getting mixed up in new stuff. If you're the owner of a locked thread on this board, and you need it unlocked to submit new content, please PM one of the moderation team with your request, and we'll deal with it.

I've told you twice already. Do it again and I'm warning you.

Am I aloud to post recolors in the sprite discussion?Question
(05-12-2010, 06:30 PM)Neslug Wrote: [ -> ]Ever considered...customs?

Example????? Since the only thing I'm GOOD at is editing colors, get an example and I might just be able to do it.
Then don't sprite if all you can do is recolor, for fucks sake. Your not just automatically JESUS at every thing you do, it takes practice and time, which apparently you don't have.
(05-12-2010, 06:50 PM)Super Weegee1 Wrote: [ -> ]Example????? Since the only thing I'm GOOD at is editing colors, get an example and I might just be able to do it.

Custom Goomba. Make a custom Goomba.
(05-12-2010, 06:50 PM)Super Weegee1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-12-2010, 06:30 PM)Neslug Wrote: [ -> ]Ever considered...customs?

Example????? Since the only thing I'm GOOD at is editing colors, get an example and I might just be able to do it.

yes because changing colors obviously makes it an edit

those two things completely contradict each other.
Custom means that YOU create it, and that you dont use any sprite sheet, you make the sprite, and you choose the colors.
Ok, let me tell you, sprite recolors (wich are not allowed here) should not be made at all. Second, you can try and show your sprite works or pixel art in the sprite discussion, because only official sprite sheets can be allowed to be poseted in the submission area, ok?
You have to read the rules and understand them too.
Close, but fan sprites CAN be submitted, but only after they've been posted here for critique and then fixed if necessary.
(05-12-2010, 07:25 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]Close, but fan sprites CAN be submitted, but only after they've been posted here for critique and then fixed if necessary.

Fan sprites as In made up fan characters? I got loads of those Big Grin
No made up characters can be submitted. He means customs/very heavy edits.
(05-12-2010, 07:32 PM)Neslug Wrote: [ -> ]No made up characters can be submitted. He means customs/very heavy edits.

Which of course is the one thing I CAN'T do, good grief.
(05-12-2010, 07:38 PM)Super Weegee1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-12-2010, 07:32 PM)Neslug Wrote: [ -> ]No made up characters can be submitted. He means customs/very heavy edits.

Which of course is the one thing I CAN'T do, good grief.
you now realize you have no talent
tsr got talent i'm susan boyle
Here is a Rock Mario in M&L style.



I hope you people enjoy it.
another recolor by Super Weegee1
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