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(05-18-2010, 09:39 AM)Super Weegee1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-18-2010, 09:38 AM)Fez Wrote: [ -> ]dude he just explained something useful to you that you totally ignored.

I didn't ignore it, I just didn't say anything.
No, you said "Baaaaw, stop saying it's a recolor, I f'd up the hammer sprite so now it's custom!!!"

Seriosuly, get over it, it's a recolor. Just becuase you changed the head of the hammer sprite does NOT make it custom. If you want to do a sheet like this right, you need to try harder. For example, I believe Rock Mario's hat (and pants?) are actually made of rock, not just recolored brown.

As for the rock he is in, I'd suggest looking at the pokemon Golem to get some ideas.
Stop making new threads. In fact, I'm going to merge all your previous threads with this one.

Then, if I see you make another thread containing nothing but bad recolours, I'm going to suspend you. We're all tired of you acting like a baby; grow up.
ok, lets do this: you want to be a good spriter? start with something easy and simple, no one is going to kick you for trying to do something small, like a goomba. draw a goomba, post here, and we'll guide you on what should be improved and how, given that you want to learn. otherwise, you have no future at this, and yhou might aswell take these recolors and post them somewhere else where people gives a shit about them.

its up to you: learn and practice, or keep making shitty recolors/edits that nobody would give a fuck about. i totally recomend you the first one.
(05-18-2010, 09:28 AM)Super Weegee1 Wrote: [ -> ]It






The rocks are custom, so stop! Sheesh, rock is custom, rock is custom, register it in your brain before you comment more!
I thought this was about your Luigi edits, now your covering them up with some rock sprite? Make a separate sheet for the rock, and post another thread pls.

Merged threads, CeeY, and don't encourage him to make more threads.
OP "left the boards." Thus, this topic is now moot.
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