I'm working on a game with my friend and we're torn between two art styles. The game will be developed for the YoYo Games Competition 6, meaning it's meant for the PSP.
Which art style seems more fitting for a polished portable-console exploration kind of game?
Option 1
Option 2
Thanks for your input!

Option 1 seems more like a Metroid kind of adventure game
Option 2 seems much darker, and actually gave me a great idea to actually *continue* Silhouette C:
so I'd say Option 2~
Option 1 looks like it could be another Metroidvania (Caves, Castles, and such).
I'd like the 2nd Option, to give a "Ghosts and Goblins" feel to it.

Option one is too industrial. Option two is awesome.
idk, they both seem pretty great to me.
far as adventure, I'd go with two for the midnight desert run.
I'd play two, just by the looks. One seems to metroid/castlvania wannabeish.
I would pick 1 if the guy looked different. He doesn't fit.
Option 2 looks less geometrical and more creative.
Option 1 seems a little boring to me. Option 2 is more interesting, so I voted for it.
Option two looks way better imo.
Option 1 looks like a Metroid-ish game, The scientist-looking character fits better because the background looks more industrial.
While Option 2, The character seems unfitting, Why would a scientist be out in the desert at night?
Also, Is that Gordon Freeman?
I honestly wouldn't be too keen on playing either. They both look extremely sloppy.
1 looks like a failed attempt at simplistic which just begs for more skill.
2 looks like a sloppy attempt at a smooth loose style that would be better suited for vector.
The character is just. Just. horribly lacking anatomy.
option one makes me actually feel like im in a cave and more of an exploration game, option 2 makes me feel like im playing a platform and i shuld be looking for some rings or coins or fruit somewhere
voted option 1
(05-19-2010, 11:47 AM)icarly viewer Wrote: [ -> ]option one makes me actually feel like im in a cave and more of an exploration game, option 2 makes me feel like im playing a platform and i shuld be looking for some rings or coins or fruit somewhere
voted option 1
this. I like option 2's style more but you asked what better fit an exploration game, and 1 makes me think of that much more than 2.
Anyone else think 1 looks like a Half-Life Demake?