Hello guys, this is kinda an introduction and sprite in one. This is my first post and I must say this sprite community is very talented... I'm a little intimidated actually lol. Anyways I wanted to post and make something quick so I did this.
First attempt at old school pixels... so I don't know if this is considered 16 bit or 8 bit or any other kind of bits... I just tried to make it only from colorful pixels and no outlines. Cant see anything wrong with it right now... but you know I'll wake up in the morning and find like a million things wrong with it. lol
Anyways I look forward to posting my stuff here, Later
gave him a little friend too =)
Don't feel intimidated; everyone starts somewhere.
As for the sprite, well, the backpack lacks any sort of shading, and the lower body is pretty unreadable. Also, I've noticed that you've enlarged the sprite, but the purple parts on the backpack don't match the enlarged pixel size...It looks off. Aaaand, your color shades seem to lack contrast (I think that's the right term?)
Keep at it.

(05-25-2010, 11:08 PM)Skirb Wrote: [ -> ]First attempt at old school pixels... so I don't know if this is considered 16 bit or 8 bit or any other kind of bits... I just tried to make it only from colorful pixels and no outlines.
dont say this ever unless you actually know what 8bit and 16bit are
because outlines and the vibrance of the palette used have nothing to do with either of them
Wow 2 responses already lol.
@Sol. You are right I DID enlarge the pixel lol, I had to because the original sprite was to small (good eyes btw). So in a nutshell... Keep the pixel size the same throughout, Define the lower body better, and work with better colors (kinda liked the colors but ok). Thank you for your comment and I'll try not to be scared of you guys lol.
@princaipal wailson. Ill google it, thanks for your comment.
also, i'll probably throw together an edit later because i suck at explaining but i would really encourage you to try something bigger than this
i know bigger sprites and pixelart are intimidating if you've never tried them before, but even if all you do is just take this sprite and resize/repixel it, it would be a nice start. there's nothing wrong with starting out small, but there is a limit for how small you should want to go
(05-26-2010, 01:55 PM)princaipal wailson Wrote: [ -> ]also, i'll probably throw together an edit later because i suck at explaining but i would really encourage you to try something bigger than this
i know bigger sprites and pixelart are intimidating if you've never tried them before, but even if all you do is just take this sprite and resize/repixel it, it would be a nice start. there's nothing wrong with starting out small, but there is a limit for how small you should want to go
Thank you, and sorry for that misunderstanding on the other topic... I didn't mean to sound like a lazy jack ass.
gave him a little friend too =)
@Tea- Do you think I should maybe have one of his hands out holding a pokeball or something? Also I know the hands are kinda hard to make out... I tried like 4 different shades and it just doesn't work.
Yea you can see a lot more when it's zoomed in.... next time I do something like this I should probably make sure it looks good normal size first....
right now, its quite hard to read its parts. while his head is in a absolute sideview, his body is a plank stuck on the ground with vertical stripes all over it. also, its good to mention the arms are completely off. while the left arm is comming out of hiw jaw, the right one is basically painted on his side.
your sir are seriusly lacking a good dose of contrast in your colors. and a good idea of what shading is suposed to be.
shading is meant to give volume and help define the shapes of objects, it is given by the simple concept of a shadow casted by an object placed between a random point and a light source. depending where the light source is placed, the shadow will be cast from the parts of an object where there is no contact with the light emited from the light source.
applied to sprites, you're basically suposed to set from where the light is comming and shadow the side of everything not facing it, and in the process, giving the whole object a sense of depth.
Applied to smaller sprites, shading is mainly used to help define what is what basically, but it must be used carefully because the less pixels you use means less room for details, and every pixel has a huge impact on how your sprite will look.
![[Image: Apple-2.png]](http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p203/blackdragon_photo_bucket/Apple-2.png)
at this point 1 up is right, it might be a better idea to sprite something sligthy bigger and simpler first so you can nail the most basic elements first and then move on more complex subjects.
@Francisco- Yea your right, and it's kinda hard to shade a pixel man correctly. Just wanted to trying something new, but I'll get back to a more traditional sprite. Thanks for all your comments guys.
pick a more simple shape, thats all. that you tried to shade a human has nothing to do, the problem is that you simply don't know what you're doing.