Not at any level, at the current level you were at when you battled them. So, in your opinion, what boss in Earthbound was the hardest to kill?
In my opinion, I'd say the Charbon/Diamond Dog. He seemed harder than Giygas himself... mainly because he had some stupid deflecting shield that you'd have to basically commit suicide to destroy. But then again, I'm not one who stocks up on items, so I'm the dumbass there. That battle took me like, 5 tries though.
I was gonna say Carbon/Diamond Dog. Oh, how I hated that thing.
Tonberry2k Wrote:I was gonna say Carbon/Diamond Dog. Oh, how I hated that thing.
Can't blame ya. Charbon Dog was easy, but the Diamond Dog tranformation was a pain in the ass to kill.
more like a miniboss, but.....
fighting all the 5 moles while avoiding mad ducks and noose men
who go up in groups of like, 50 >_<
Most of them were pretty managable, but finding all the moles were pretty hard

I actually found the moles to be very easy. Both killing and finding them. However them Noosemen pissed me off. Also, I forgot what other enemy was down there, but they got annoying too.
Diamond Dog was probably the most annoying boss in the game for me for the fact that it could do a ton of damage in a hurry. Also it's got unruly defense/HP (one, the other, or both -- can't recall). Every battle with Diamond Dog is a damn endurance match. It's that bad.
Well as far as hard bosses go, carbon/diamond dog take the cake. As far as troublesome places go, MO on Si dE was pretty bad. You loose Paula, fight enemies that do a large amount of damage, and the first time I talked to the npcs, I had no idea that making no sense made perfect sense.
Oh and Colton, I believe the other enemy you're referring to the thirsty coil snakes. Little bastards kept using up my psychic points to heal their poison. Ditto for the gigantic ants.
I remember getting destroyed in the Department Store as well, after Paula got taken. The coffee cups murdered me.
The coffee cups didn't bother me. It were those fucking Mystic Records and guitar things that really did the damage.... those things were annoying as hell. Then when I got to the Mook thing, I didn't have much HP left.
@Bad Batman: It wasn't the Thirst Coil Snakes, those were pieces of shit. But I think it was the Gigantic antoids. Them using their fucking PSI Magnets left me with little PP.
When you go into the Dept. Store in Fourside to rescue Paula, you should have Ness equipped with the Franklin Badge. The Franklin Badge reflects all lightning attacks and PSI Thunders back at the attackers. Your party should also have several healing items (of the HP and PP kind) and bottle rockets (for Jeff to launch during the boss fight).
On the topic of very annoying enemies, I hate all flying/teleporting enemies for the fact they are faster than you in the field. It's really easy for them to red swirl ya to start off with the 1st strike in battle.
Swirls can make the difference to beginning a battle sucking PSI Starstorm Alpha/Omega or you beginning with Paula casting PSI Shield Sigma (I'm referencing the final area at the end of the game where you face a ton of Ghost of Starman and other enemies).
Well even at the end of the game, I kept the Franklin Badge. Helped in the final battle sometimes, on Giygas' "You cannot grasp" attack thing.
The Loaded Dice were really hard, too.
i never left the franklin badge, i thought it was a key item