Including here.
I've never been so miserable in my entire life.
All that I battle for is a lost cause, and I'm fighting severe depression while trying to desperately cling onto the last bit of sanity that I have.
I'm sorry, guys.
Good luck with getting your life back on track!
this place is a break
screw reality we have TSR
good luck with fixing whatever went wrong

Terribly sorry for ya. Hope things get better for you.
(05-30-2010, 05:34 AM)Lexou Wrote: [ -> ]I feel your pain.
it's funny because you probably dont
(bye mogran)
(skypechat boring most of the time with you gone)
Aw, morgan :C
I hope everything somehow works out for you
Hope everything works out for you, make life your bitch.
catch you on the flip-side
i'm sorry to hear that, morgan. just know that we're here for you in you need us.
hang in there... i really hope everything works out for you...

Morgan, Good luck with everything and I hope life becomes better for you.
If you need to talk you know how to reach me.
(05-30-2010, 09:52 PM)princaipal wailson Wrote: [ -> ] (05-30-2010, 05:34 AM)Lexou Wrote: [ -> ]I feel your pain.
it's funny because you probably dont
It's a figure of speech, man.
it's a figure of speech that means "i feel your pain"
have an ironic thank as a thank you for reminding me why i avoid this area of the forums