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Full Version: in this thread we intentionally misspell words
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fuck this thraed
You guys are amatures, this is really how you mispell.
i quicken hate to pecs like this.
I loft hao know baudie undersantds know baudie.
Watz tha poynt ov thice thred.
you're deign it prang check the first pots!
Mogadishu done know how to slipping palsy no game.
happy britday
Lestrade yum heavy lots hie mightily or lied
standing Poseidon is n thirst thrust
Noa onde Thanatos pots in tris topo.
tsih thared si yag nad tardrede
(05-31-2010, 12:52 PM)Vipershark Wrote: [ -> ]tsih thared si yag nad tardrede

tur dta.
viner shaker
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