there is a new evangelion movie
whoah. new anime movies?! (*^*)

(05-30-2010, 10:58 PM)Djanjo Wrote: [ -> ]THERE'S A NEW MOVIE?!
Yup. Rebuild 2.22.
Does the ending actually have something less relevant and bullshit than the last movie? I'm only watching it till someone tells me Shinji get's the balls to tell Asuka to shut her damn mouth and bend over.
(05-30-2010, 10:09 PM)Mecánico Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: asukak.jpg]](http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/1241/asukak.jpg)
I can see the nipple
![[Image: buzzw.png]](http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/1353/buzzw.png)
it's not technically an ending,the new one takes place in a continuity reboot but still the same timeframe same universe everyones memories wiped bullshittery
ps. i dont like evangalleioneoen
does asuka die in her mech when it explodes in this one
Evagelion is a gay anime and it is only made better with the picture in suigins sig.