just wanted to make a thread saying that i love you
and i hope that you're happy and well : - )
(not an ironic thread btw, take your irony to one of theportalguru's threads or something)
nice threads in spamhaul are the best threads
(05-31-2010, 10:21 PM)Pokemon Pink Wrote: [ -> ](not an ironic thread btw, take your irony to one of theportalguru's threads or something)
(05-31-2010, 10:19 PM)TheProtalGruru Wrote: [ -> ]I always seem to unintentionally create the most controversial threads in Spamhaul these days.
Also, welcome back. Hope things are getting better for you.
(05-31-2010, 10:19 PM)TheProtalGruru Wrote: [ -> ]I always seem to unintentionally create the most controversial threads in Spamhaul these days.
i don't think they're controversial, i just think that maybe people want you to put a bit more thought into what you post before you post it?
i mean it's no big deal, you'll get better over time (:
what the heck!!! i love you too morgan (and everybody else is fine too)
thanked that post, unthanked it and thanked it again so i could do it twice
(05-31-2010, 10:38 PM)bryan GT broyan Wrote: [ -> ]what the heck!!! i love you too morgan (and everybody else is fine too)
thanks bryan, im a big fan of your twits on twitter (:
![[Image: 631de91d60099b658c56724.jpg]](http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/4781/631de91d60099b658c56724.jpg)
- im fagg0t gay
okay this is gonna sound really weird coming from me but uh
i'm ok with bryan now
suddenly my thread made by morgan doesnt seem so special