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Full Version: ban everyone with a colored name
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my name is still red.
this topic isn't for me nope
(06-04-2010, 07:58 PM)Woppet Wrote: [ -> ]bryan mad because i got a coloured name and his is no longer special

i'm literally not mad at all fuckin lmao but way to assume you're worth that much to me, keep it up kid
i dont assume im worth anything to you dick
i assume your a dick

i dont assume anyone is worth anything to you except yourself you dick

dick dick dick dick dick

go and fucking die
"heh yeah bryan's mad because of ME. i made him MAD. bryan MAD bryan MAD and it's all because of ME"

gettin a lil smug there pal, that's all.
dont recall saying you were mad gayboy
(06-04-2010, 07:58 PM)Woppet Wrote: [ -> ]bryan mad because i got a coloured name and his is no longer special

three hours is really far back when you're having sex with your stepsister, i understand if these things slip your mind
no i never said that sorry bryan your lieng

ps the sex was fucking good and no chance of genetic mutation in the offspring

literally proud of that or i wouldnt have told you guys, even all my irl friends know
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