
Been a bit busy playing AudioKlax and currently updating a cursed sheet. Yes, cursed.
Woo, Obleix!

Originally meant as a surprise for the new system but figured to get it out of the way first. In case anyone is curious, this game is cursed and unlike that Tails Doll nonsense this is pretty much the real deal since it caused the developers to go out of business (and the people involved went to either rubbish or nothing), Sega to go downhill and even myself had personal problems every time I rip this. Good game though if you are a risk taker.
Hahaha, nice work!

While I would add a Snively related joke here, might as well say that I used both versions and it wasn't Disney animators who did this (an animation studio yes, Disney no).
Wonderful rip, as always!
You can really tell...
Great rip!
Wait, did I miss something? You can tell what?
That it wasn't the disney animators who did it.

Always hated collecting those things... But it looks thorough!
Was checking through the Sonic 1 section and was disappointed that my favourite zone hasn't been ripped so I quickly fixed that.