(06-05-2010, 11:49 PM)Murderbeard Wrote: [ -> ]posting to say i like the pokemon in your sig, Dex. esp Aron is one of my favorites because steel =
and it sounds like my irl name. :>
i liked this post so much i thanked it four times
(06-06-2010, 12:02 AM)Dex Wrote: [ -> ]i'm
not defending him???
i'm saying people need to stop what he does, and what i've seen a lot of others do
because it's stupid and unnecessary??
i agree that bryan was doing it. i'm saying people in general need to stop it...
oh nvm then i didnt get it apparently not you heh V____V
Everyone needs a shit-brown name. That'll show em.
bryan will be back anyway and everything will be back to normal :-)
(06-05-2010, 10:43 PM)sexhaver1994 Wrote: [ -> ]im p sure suit was never like that
he wasnt to his little fanclub of the love krew
you must be dumb or blind if u didnt see him messin with other people