Hey guys just wondering about a few things. I'm working on a fan story and I want to know if you could answer some of my "What if I" questions. It'll help me write my story better so here goes.
What if I...
Made Luigi a Poke'mon Trainer?
Included the original Mega Man?
Had Peach surrounded by Redeads?
Had Bowser go Giga?
Had Ridley invade the Mushroom Kingdom?
Be sure to respond and I may include more. Thanks for playing this addition of:
What if I...
Why is this in Game Development if it's a fan story...?
Moving to Spamhaul.
what if you were original
What if I...
Made Luigi shit on Mario's chest?
what if.............
What if I posted somewhere that would actually mean something instead of posting in Spamhaul.
(06-07-2010, 05:21 PM)TheProtalGruru Wrote: [ -> ]What if I posted somewhere that would actually mean something instead of posting in Spamhaul.
If only...
this is a bad topic
just saying
what if there was water on the moon?
imagine all the people on the moon
imagine all the people on the moon in a car
Quote:Be sure to respond and I may include more. Thanks for playing this addition of:
excuse me addition is maths not spellings go back to elementary school p[lease
imagine all the people on the moon in a car about to recieve