OK, here I go. This is a project for the site. Basically, it involves making things such as Skulltulas in the style of the original LOZ. Make sure to keep the original colors. What is needed:
Phantom(Spirit Tracks)

Gold Skulltula(OOT)
Spiritual Stones(OOT)
If you guys think of anything else, let me know. By the way, the smiley face means I've taken care of it and done it.
If you've taken care of it, show it.
Also, this didn't need another thread.
Ok, sorry. LOL. Here. Oh, you got anything I missed?
Please, for the love of god, upload your sprites. Don't use attachments, I don't want to download it every time you make another ridiculously undersized sprite.
As far as scale goes, Navi is probably too big, but the Spiritual Stones are far too small.
Ok, you obviously know how to put an image onscreen. I, sadly, do not. And the Spiritual Stones are not really big, but I see your point. I'll work on it.
It's not hard to find out. There are threads that tell how to do such a thing if you had the wherwithal to just look, instead of not getting your brain in gear.
Oh, and look - it was in Sprite Discussion and everything.
Oh, heh heh. Sorry. How do you edit the words over your avatar. I'm getting tired of seeing ''Junior Member'' all the time.
Navi would probably just appear as a blob of white light in the classic zelda, and 8bit=16x16.
Not excactly. What if she was on a white background? You wouldn't be able to see her.
show me a white background in LOZ?
16 by 16. Not entirely true, if it means every sprite in 8-bit is 16 pixels wide and high. Look:
![[Image: semerald.png]](http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/8931/semerald.png)
You'll notice that he is 8 pixels wide. So 2 things are possible:
1: There are exceptions to the rule.
2: The 16x16 rule is possibly wrong.
Either way, you see my point.
Larger than 16x16= 2 sprites stuck together.
And he is most definately not 8 pixels wide.
It pretty good, except for the space you been done on sprites (I know, I was like this too, my old sheets was everything scrambled... but)
Those are little sprites, there are not much... Try re-organize next time on Gimp, it's good, you can move without clicking on the layer!
A free space it's not common happens, but you can use for utilitie!
Gotcha. Hey, can someone thats good at this style PLEASE get over here?
Hey, I think I understand 16x16! Is this right?
![[Image: naviandspiritualstones.png]](http://img815.imageshack.us/img815/1784/naviandspiritualstones.png)
If so, please tell me.
Oh, guys? Its open to anyone who thinks they can improve it. Thought I should let you know.