Okay, I don't give a shit what anybody has to say on the matter, this looks
fucking great.
I like how apparently the bosses are going to have "rage modes" now too (Stage 1 boss's flipping attack), that's a really neat spin on the classic bosses.
I have seriously no complaints about this, aside from "I'm not playing it RIGHT NOW."
I'd have to agree. I'm not sure whether to buy it on Xbox Arcade or Wii Ware though.
Looks good.
Wonder how the controls are gonna be.
hold on
remember sonic unleashed how it looked SO GREAT at the beginning
and then like a few weeks later they showed us what it would really look like (hey, werewolf mode)
because sonic 4 is going to have werewolves
..well its sega so i hope not
(06-12-2010, 02:17 PM)Ash Crimson Prettiest Princess Wrote: [ -> ]hold on
remember sonic unleashed how it looked SO GREAT at the beginning
and then like a few weeks later they showed us what it would really look like (hey, werewolf mode)
if you hadn't payed attention to the leaks
then you don't have much idea of whats going on
Loving what they did with splash hill zone, considering there are 16 stages in all (counting the specials) then imagine how many there could be with all three episodes.
Getting it on my Ipod so I can take it on the go.
Looks fun as hell. But the way he falls looks like some kind of mid-air
sex position.
i am remaining cautiously optimistic, sonic team has a nack (the weasel) for ruining everything they touch
that video doesn't load for me
(06-12-2010, 06:10 PM)DrSlouch Wrote: [ -> ]that video doesn't load for me
the exact same video is on youtube
go see that one instead.
judging by that video, sonic's animations aren't very fluid and don't transfer into one another very well
the whole way he moves is just awkward
Looks fine too me i dont get why fans complain also the animations and the way he walks looks wierd
Don't forget to seperate sentences lad, don't need others flaming your for a mistake like that.
Anyhow, it looks quite fun, maybe I'll get this on my ipod when I can get a new one with more space.
(06-13-2010, 03:58 PM)Finlandia Wrote: [ -> ]Don't forget to seperate sentences lad, don't need others flaming your for a mistake like that.
Anyhow, it looks quite fun, maybe I'll get this on my ipod when I can get a new one with more space.

It's the internet i dont really care what happens unless theres porn

The inner fanboy in me is still screaming about not using HD sprites but whatever this looks really good.