i told you happy birthday on facebook n1gga...
happy birthday.
i just post in the threads, i dont make them!
happy birthday, hope it treated you well
We're having a party for you right now~! 8D
... Seriously, my sister has a bunch of friends over, and they are loud as balls. I WOULD be joining in on the fun, but I don't feel well. I'll tell them it's your birthday, hang on...
... they have no idea who you are, but they were excited for you nonetheless! 8D
... No, I didn't actually ask. Happy birthday, Dr. Tran. 8D
happy birthday! -guppy, icarly 2010
Happy Birthday, from all of us over at the /cool/est place on the block, TSR.
Just kidding but I'll give you a happy birthday anyway.
(06-15-2010, 12:32 AM)STRAIGHT CHILLIN 86 Wrote: [ -> ]happy birthday! -guppy, icarly 2010
That was one of the only moments I found somebody's voice completely adorable.
fuckin owned - borat, 2006
Happy Birthday C: Wanna watch Cold Case Together and solve who the killer is? on in ten.
I got you a beer but I was worried it'd go flat or stale so I had to drink it.
It was delicious!

(06-15-2010, 12:32 AM)STRAIGHT CHILLIN 86 Wrote: [ -> ]happy birthday! -guppy, icarly 2010