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And then 3 second clips of PSP games that anyone might actually be interested in (KH, personas, patapon, things i dont know)
Wait, Persona was shown? Fucking lag and skipping and shit FUCKING FUCK PC.
(06-15-2010, 02:18 PM)JarJar Wrote: [ -> ]killzone 3 looks fucking boring
what are you even talking about i just rewound to the beginning and did not see one thing about killzone 3
(06-15-2010, 03:08 PM)GaryCXJk Wrote: [ -> ]Wait, Persona was shown? Fucking lag and skipping and shit FUCKING FUCK PC.

like a 3 second clip of some of the characters being upside down and then pointing the guns to their heads

no gameplay
so nintendo had the best press conference so far. 3ds is going to kick ass also DRAGON QUEST NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE

and paper mario 3dr

and kid icarus
(06-15-2010, 03:09 PM)princaipal wailson Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-15-2010, 02:18 PM)JarJar Wrote: [ -> ]killzone 3 looks fucking boring
what are you even talking about i just rewound to the beginning and did not see one thing about killzone 3

they had 2 gameplay demo things for it showing some guy shooting stuff
omg somebody just linked me to this

e3.nintendo screens of ocarina of time and starfox for 3DS
i've looked through the stream at least 3 times and have not seen any of those

-ps move
-kevin butler
-more ps move
-stuff that was happening well after that post was made
Wait, what, Super Street Fighter IV on 3DS?
(06-15-2010, 03:16 PM)princaipal wailson Wrote: [ -> ]i've looked through the stream at least 3 times and have not seen any of those

-ps move
-kevin butler
-more ps move
-stuff that was happening well after that post was made

maybe they dont want to dissapoint you
Sony from now on let your fucking 3rd Party do your presentations.

God damn I'm bored to shit here. More fucking shooters? More Medal of Honor? Really? Goddamit I hate to be like the rest of you, but Nintendo is kicking my and everyone elses asses.
:shrug: sorry man if it makes you feel any better you didn't miss much i mean its freakin killzone its Halo: Sony
and now they're unveiling a Medal of Honor game set in modern-day afghanistan

that's right, a series that started in WWII moving into a modern warfare setting, bet you never heard of that
Unlockable Beards. Fuck all of you, I'm getting a PS3.
(06-15-2010, 03:19 PM)JarJar Wrote: [ -> ]maybe they dont want to dissapoint you
found it
you're stupid this game looks awesome
Holy shit, Dead Space 2 looks incredible.
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