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Ok, the new 360, if its the same price as a regular, why not fucking upgrade?
Microsoft's conference was BULLSHIT after Reach. It literally became LOOK AT OUR SHITTY KINECT GAMES FOR 3 HOURS

and then everybody got a free xbox


good thing I stopped caring after Reach
I'm really hoping Sony's conference won't devolve into everything about Move...I've been on the fence about getting a PS3 since forever.

though I really doubt anything could be lower than MS's conference at this point.
[Image: 1276539732327.jpg]

(06-14-2010, 02:13 PM)Jovian-12 Wrote: [ -> ]I've been on the fence about getting a PS3 since forever.
let me help you decide

get a ps3
EA is in about an hour and a half.

I predict:

- Sports game
- Sports game
- Sports game
- Sports game
- Dead Space 2
you forgot another - Sports Game and - Game Involving Kinect
GoW3 looked good.

Reach and Rising looked amazing

Everything else was shit.
gears of war stop sharing your "gow" title with an infinitely superior series

Bleh, I can't believe I missed the Gears of War 3 showing. I wanted to see it bad too.
Well, at least I got to see Reach. Rising I just saw not too long ago on G4. Both games look amazing.
The new 360 looks awsome, shame that they didn't put better hardware in it. It would be better for new and old games alike.
I am loving how Gametrailers in my hour of need to watch Metal Gear Rising is failing me.
Gametrailers literally got server surges from idiot MS fanboys raging over how shitty that presentation was. I'm on GameSpot's E3 site now. EA in 10 minutes. whoooooo.
The first game was a new Need For Speed Hot Pursuit game. it honestly looks pretty killer.
Just finished a racing game called Busted.

Dead Space 2 presentation now. (im watching live since im too lazy ot go on the site)

New Need For Speed: Hot Pursit game.

Made by Criterion, who made the good burnout games.

Seriously fucking happy.

okay after that everything so far is amazingly boring.
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