im not pretending and that's not the presentation good job
now if you still don't like it well then i dunno what to tell you and i guess you're allowed to think that but i will tell you that "it's just twilight princess + wind waker" is not really true
I think skyward sword looks awesome.
i always thought TP was a little too realistic looking (even though it wasnt realistic looking)
it's just
you could never see a deku scrub
or an old style goron/zora
in TP style. it just wouldnt look right.
In this new style it looks entirely possible.
my favourite graphics engine for zelda was mm (because it was a slight upgrade over oot with the expansion pack)
in those days no games looked realistic because of the simple nature of the graphics
hence why i welcome the new simple nature of these new graphics.
Next SSB in this style? Fuck yeah.
Make it happen, Sakurai, MAKE IT FUCKING HAPPEN.
Oh wait, he doesn't work on the franchise anymore.
Make it happen, Nintendo. MAKE IT FUCKING HAPPEN.
as much as I'm digging the visuals I'm mostly excited because of the smarter gameplay design
this is probably because they don't have to make it also work for the gamecube, but they seem to be making much more liberal use of the motion controls, and much more involved use (i.e. the shield bashing, using the movements of the tip of your sword to confuse the door with an eye, having to cut the deku babas at specific angles, etc.)
it's kind of early to tell but if they keep applying a consistent concept like that in varied ways throughout the game well shit that's almost literally the recipe to an amazing game (considering that's how mario games, portal, and basically every great game work, is the application and variation (emphasis on the latter) of one solid, core concept)
Honestly kirby looks more interesting than zelda imo. DK too.
It's cool that you'll be able to jump with Link now, for the first time in a 3D Zelda game.
oh don't get me wrong though as much as im dick riding zelda i am really digging the new kirby and im not like HYPED for donkey kong country but it looks like it may possibly be cool (i really liked the sunset scene they showed)
it's okay to ride dat dick just as long as it's zelda
but yeah Skyward Sword looks beast imo
Can't wait until E3 2011, when they'll hopefully have a tease of a new Smash Bros game. Seems unrealistic, but meh, one can hope.
I like your icon, portalguru.
the website has games i didn't even see, like pokepark (or did they show it and i missed it? who knows)
Nah they have a lot of games they didn't show on there.
(06-15-2010, 06:00 PM)DrSlouch Wrote: [ -> ]im not pretending and that's not the presentation good job
now if you still don't like it well then i dunno what to tell you and i guess you're allowed to think that but i will tell you that "it's just twilight princess + wind waker" is not really true
Well that is a bit more impressive. Thanks for the Link.
2nd time today i can use this:
![[Image: 2rhr3eu.jpg]](
Looks promising! i like the new style. Hope they remake mm too.