using this thread to let yall know i can light a match off my nipples
(06-23-2010, 01:11 PM)DrSlouch Wrote: [ -> ]did you not also notice "comb" and once again that isn't irony thanks for making me have to come out and say that was a joke you ruined it
whats a comb
*lights a match on rim of asshole, farts and burns up ntire (entire) thread*
... the only hair i have on my body is located on my head and eyebrows 6u9
(06-23-2010, 01:56 PM)avocado Wrote: [ -> ]... the only hair i have on my body is located on my head and eyebrows 6u9
(06-23-2010, 02:10 PM)Kat Wrote: [ -> ] (06-23-2010, 01:56 PM)avocado Wrote: [ -> ]... the only hair i have on my body is located on my head and eyebrows 6u9
grosssssssssssssss girls
i used to do that then i grew up in to a man
Head. Balls. Arm pits. Arms. Legs.
Im a hairy man

girls dont have eyelashes?
seriosuly though, my ass is mad hairy
I have one single solitary black hair right below my belly button
I keep plucking it and it KEEPS COMING BACK
but I have no other hair that's (naturally) black.
what the fuck, belly button. what the fuck.
Why does this thread even
My balls, pubes, anus, head, legs and armpits
I almost look like Sasquatch