I suppose this is in the right place... Anyway, I recently started playing Diablo 1 and after a while decided I'd change the player graphics for laughs. I've already got Mario from SMRPG planned, but what else would be cool/funny to use in this game? Keeping in mind, the sprites have to be isometrical with at least 5 rotations.
So far I was thinking:
- The DOOM Marine from DOOM 1/2
- Duke Nukem from Duke Nukem 3D
- Yoshi from Mario Kart Super Circuit
- Diablo from... Diablo
- A cow, from either Diablo 2 or Arcanum
But if you could think of better choices or put down your favourite pick/s, I would greatly appreciate it. I simply can't decide T_T .
and uhhh
why would we care? do whatever you want to do.
Well seeing as this is a public area and I'd like the community's opinion, I was hoping for more then "we don't care."
That's real nice. But don't you think it would have been nicer you stayed out of this thread if you didn't care?
As for the 'yourself' idea, I'd look like crap XD . But thanks anyway.
I choosed Yoshi in a kart. Just to see how it looks.
(06-28-2010, 04:22 PM)Friedslick6 Wrote: [ -> ]Well seeing as this is a public area and I'd like the community's opinion, I was hoping for more then "we don't care."
That's real nice. But don't you think it would have been nicer you stayed out of this thread if you didn't care? 
As for the 'yourself' idea, I'd look like crap XD . But thanks anyway.
you know he was being sarcastic when he said yourself.
It isn't really going to make a difference whether or not this is a public forum, it's just that the majority of us couldn't care less on what you want to decide to do for a game mod.
It's all up to you, you don't need to have us be a crutch for you.
although, seeing how nice I feel today, I'd go with
this instead of any of the other stuff on here, if your desperate for our advice.
no really, sprite yourself and put yourself in diablo.
at least that way you'll have to make something on your own instead of just placeholder stuff.
(06-28-2010, 06:13 PM)Diogalesu Wrote: [ -> ]you know he was being sarcastic when he said yourself.
(06-28-2010, 07:46 PM)Francisco Cifuentes Wrote: [ -> ]no really, sprite yourself and put yourself in diablo.
It seems Francisco wasn't being sarcastic...
(06-28-2010, 06:13 PM)Diogalesu Wrote: [ -> ]It isn't really going to make a difference whether or not this is a public forum, it's just that the majority of us couldn't care less on what you want to decide to do for a game mod.
It's all up to you, you don't need to have us be a crutch for you.
although, seeing how nice I feel today, I'd go with this instead of any of the other stuff on here, if your desperate for our advice.
You count for the majority of the website? I see, sorry sir.
I have the option to ask for the community's opinion though, correct?
btw, This sprite would be good except it doesn't have at least 5 angles of rotation. I'll include that in the original post, apologies for the confusion.
(06-29-2010, 01:12 AM)TomGuycott Wrote: [ -> ]Aaaggghhh, fresh meat!!!
lol, Mr. Butcher actually scares me more than Diablo

. I'm pretty sure any character of any size can be used, but it'd look weird if they were bigger then the doors they walk through. Maybe