(07-04-2010, 01:46 PM)Djanjo Wrote: [ -> ]Sure as fuck ain't Toronto or any city in Canada.
This thread needs more Lupe.
when is Lasers coming out
fuckin lupe whaa a fagg. yous guys gots to gets some betta music tastes.
he's kinda cool but for the msot part he doesn't really hold a candle to any actually good rappers like MF Doom
mf doom makes good instrumentals
(07-05-2010, 12:19 AM)DreamEater Wrote: [ -> ]fuckin lupe whaa a fagg. yous guys gots to gets some betta music tastes.
my fav band is drowning pool- let the bodies hit the floor

(07-04-2010, 10:16 PM)Gnostic WetFart Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:I generally like all of NYC because you can find literally everything there,
my friend told me he found an anime store there that had dvds for DRAGON BALL AF!
gonna have to say NYC too, where else can you find a huge ferris wheel in toys r us, a peanut butter and jelly deli, food automat, and game museums in the same place?
(07-05-2010, 09:05 AM)kosheh Wrote: [ -> ] (07-04-2010, 10:16 PM)Gnostic WetFart Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:I generally like all of NYC because you can find literally everything there,
my friend told me he found an anime store there that had dvds for DRAGON BALL AF!
gonna have to say NYC too, where else can you find a huge ferris wheel in toys r us, a peanut butter and jelly deli, food automat, and game museums in the same place?
The best city on Earth is
the city you all live I love you all

(07-05-2010, 11:39 AM)Djanjo Wrote: [ -> ] (07-05-2010, 09:05 AM)kosheh Wrote: [ -> ] (07-04-2010, 10:16 PM)Gnostic WetFart Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:I generally like all of NYC because you can find literally everything there,
my friend told me he found an anime store there that had dvds for DRAGON BALL AF!
gonna have to say NYC too, where else can you find a huge ferris wheel in toys r us, a peanut butter and jelly deli, food automat, and game museums in the same place?
what no there is no deli in tokyo that serves only peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
yes there are a dozen mexican restaurants but not a single peanut butter & co.
*there are also no burger kings in japan
from what ive heard mcdonalds is actually GOOD in japan
But didn't Japan have that BK seven stack whopper when Windows 7 came out?
(07-05-2010, 08:43 PM)Flannel_Bastard Wrote: [ -> ]But didn't Japan have that BK seven stack whopper when Windows 7 came out?
ok ok
there is only one BK in Japan and that's in a US naval base in I think Okinawa
technically still zero BKs in Japan
edit: wait, there were BKs for a short time in Japan but IIRC they did so poorly they all closed down except for the naval base BK
edit2: WHAT
they opened them back up?!
because evberythign is better in japan right