just in case it isn't clear, me posting 'hi" in the thread i'm implying i would like ot be uprepped
groove why a neutral are you too shy to give me a positive ):
groove is my best friend he will give me an up rep

there you go, have fun repping

Everyone in this thread has been motherfucking REPPED. Peace.
I shall hold you to this offer.
groovie baby do you even know what the word troll means or are you one if the guys who follow the 4chan definition that has no meaning whatsoever
No really, I've only ever seen you post here for the sake of being annoying or difficult and arguably to be /funny/.
You seem like a cool guy and all, but I'd like you more if you posted (seriously) outside of Spamhaul more.
screw reps give me bold a username.
(07-07-2010, 12:34 PM)Shinigami PIMP Wrote: [ -> ]groovie baby do you even know what the word troll means or are you one if the guys who follow the 4chan definition that has no meaning whatsoever
THANK YOU apparently being satirical = being a troll as well now a days
(07-07-2010, 01:14 PM)1UP+ Wrote: [ -> ]screw reps give me bold a username.
But I can't do that.
And since you don't want a rep anyway, I guess there's nothing I can do for ya. Sorry!