(01-22-2013, 12:33 PM)T0misaurus Wrote: [ -> ]In the Arcade Mortal Kombat section there are sprites from the SNES section by some reason,Johnny Cage and Kano to be specifical,on top of that they are uncomplete 
Mortal Kombat SNES section already has far more complete rips of them (the character icons are on a seperate sheet), so I went ahead and deleted them~
It's Sengir, he had fixed that already and I never put it up I think.

I'm not getting that. Could you check it again? Could possibly have been an ad that slipped through and has since been pulled.
After some Googling it seems to be an error with Chrome. The past eight or nine hours have seen a number of other complaints from various forums.
The general consensus is that Google is blocking a lot of ad providers or something.
Yeah, I have been having that problem as well.
Fun fact: The sheet was there - but the PNG was compressed in a GZip file!
In the Game Boy section, the M category has a error.
The game Ms. Pac-Man Special Color Edition are erroneousley called Ms. Pac-Man :c
When I change my date format to DD/MM/YYYY (just discovered I can do this), it stops saying "Today" or "Yesterday" on Thanks and just shows the date, still in MM/DD/YYYY.
It appears to show correctly everywhere else though.