When changing the forum to a different theme, the names of the topics get messed up when viewing the whole board. This only seems to happen on
Submission boards, but when you change the theme away from anything that's not the default, you get titles like "Solved Today Today My Submissions" instead of "
ยท My Submissions".
That's a result of the images on the page not loading and their Alternate text showing up instead.
It's not changing your thread titles, and it's only on your end. (Though it happens to everyone from time to time.)
Just try hard refreshing the page a few times and it should go away.
(01-31-2014, 09:39 PM)ShadeDBZ Wrote: [ -> ]Hey everyone!
Could someone replace this sheet I just added...
With this sheet that has the proper transparency...
Thanks in advance! 
EDIT:Haha, switch out these too? Chose the wrong file to upload like an idiot.
with this.
Hopefully I can stop making mistakes. 
(02-03-2014, 06:15 PM)Silversea Wrote: [ -> ]Right, I'm going to split a sheet into two, and per Petie's advice I shall do it in the following method...
So as for the current sheet:
Sheet: http://www.spriters-resource.com/genesis...eet/55406/
Please replace with: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/0...74zsb2.png
The current sheet should be renamed to "Creatures", and this will be its new icon. http://i1050.photobucket.com/albums/s405...ures-1.png
Unfortunately none of my graphic programs will do the font type you guys use.
And I'll upload the second one as a new submission.
(02-06-2014, 08:59 PM)Deathbringer Wrote: [ -> ]http://www.spriters-resource.com/ds/smtdevilsurvivor/
Replace Black Frost's sheet with this (http://i.minus.com/ibhZcLeG5rKTYw.png) and add Ultimecia as submitter.
Cu Chulainn's sheet and icon need to be updated and add me as submitter.
Icon - http://i.minus.com/iQKzEqFsz3fVc.png
Sheet - http://i.minus.com/ib0EmJUrKsFafr.png
All fixed.
(02-02-2014, 07:10 PM)Mystie Wrote: [ -> ] (01-31-2014, 10:34 AM)o0DemonBoy0o Wrote: [ -> ]I want to upload some more models, but every time I try the site gives me a
Model must be an image or zip archive.
Everything seems to be in order when I try to submit them. The only thing that seems to be in common with ones I can't upload is that they are over 2MB
I've been having this same problem.
And now I'm having this problem when I try uploading anything over 10MB...

Yeah, things are screwy with Apache's configuration lately and this likely somehow reset itself again. I don't remember how to fix it but I'll get in touch with Rob, who found the proper setting last time and took care of it.
(02-15-2014, 07:38 PM)Random Talking Bush Wrote: [ -> ] (01-31-2014, 09:39 PM)ShadeDBZ Wrote: [ -> ]Hey everyone!
Could someone replace this sheet I just added...
With this sheet that has the proper transparency...
Thanks in advance! 
EDIT:Haha, switch out these too? Chose the wrong file to upload like an idiot.
with this.
Hopefully I can stop making mistakes. 
(02-03-2014, 06:15 PM)Silversea Wrote: [ -> ]Right, I'm going to split a sheet into two, and per Petie's advice I shall do it in the following method...
So as for the current sheet:
Sheet: http://www.spriters-resource.com/genesis...eet/55406/
Please replace with: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/0...74zsb2.png
The current sheet should be renamed to "Creatures", and this will be its new icon. http://i1050.photobucket.com/albums/s405...ures-1.png
Unfortunately none of my graphic programs will do the font type you guys use.
And I'll upload the second one as a new submission.
(02-06-2014, 08:59 PM)Deathbringer Wrote: [ -> ]http://www.spriters-resource.com/ds/smtdevilsurvivor/
Replace Black Frost's sheet with this (http://i.minus.com/ibhZcLeG5rKTYw.png) and add Ultimecia as submitter.
Cu Chulainn's sheet and icon need to be updated and add me as submitter.
Icon - http://i.minus.com/iQKzEqFsz3fVc.png
Sheet - http://i.minus.com/ib0EmJUrKsFafr.png
All fixed.
(02-02-2014, 07:10 PM)Mystie Wrote: [ -> ] (01-31-2014, 10:34 AM)o0DemonBoy0o Wrote: [ -> ]I want to upload some more models, but every time I try the site gives me a
Model must be an image or zip archive.
Everything seems to be in order when I try to submit them. The only thing that seems to be in common with ones I can't upload is that they are over 2MB
I've been having this same problem.
And now I'm having this problem when I try uploading anything over 10MB... 
It should be fixed now though I'm in work and can't confirm that is the case - if anyone can test by uploading their 10MB or greater file and let me know that'd be fantastic.
(02-16-2014, 08:17 AM)Raz Wrote: [ -> ]It should be fixed now though I'm in work and can't confirm that is the case - if anyone can test by uploading their 10MB or greater file and let me know that'd be fantastic.
11.5MB uploaded, 12MB crapped out after uploading, stating the following:
Name is required.
Sheet is required.
Icon is required.
Section is required.
Submitter is required.
And it also dumps me back to the main CP for some reason...
That one sounds more like it timed out, rather than failed on the upload. Likely another setting that somehow got reverted for no reason at all.
(02-16-2014, 09:46 AM)Petie Wrote: [ -> ]That one sounds more like it timed out, rather than failed on the upload. Likely another setting that somehow got reverted for no reason at all.
Yep - Looks like the max input time was set to 30 seconds again - this has been modified and hopefully things should work again. Any chance someone could give it a test for me again? (Still in work~)
(02-16-2014, 10:39 AM)Raz Wrote: [ -> ] (02-16-2014, 09:46 AM)Petie Wrote: [ -> ]That one sounds more like it timed out, rather than failed on the upload. Likely another setting that somehow got reverted for no reason at all.
Yep - Looks like the max input time was set to 30 seconds again - this has been modified and hopefully things should work again. Any chance someone could give it a test for me again? (Still in work~)
Yeah, looks like it's working now, I was able to upload the ZIP files that normally gave that error.
(02-16-2014, 11:09 AM)Random Talking Bush Wrote: [ -> ] (02-16-2014, 10:39 AM)Raz Wrote: [ -> ] (02-16-2014, 09:46 AM)Petie Wrote: [ -> ]That one sounds more like it timed out, rather than failed on the upload. Likely another setting that somehow got reverted for no reason at all.
Yep - Looks like the max input time was set to 30 seconds again - this has been modified and hopefully things should work again. Any chance someone could give it a test for me again? (Still in work~)
Yeah, looks like it's working now, I was able to upload the ZIP files that normally gave that error.
Perfect, thanks for confirming that for me.
uh not sure if its just me, but where did all of the old themes for the forums go?
I've been using midnight (the dark blue/purple one, i think thats its name) for like years
and to be honest, i don't really care for the new fangled homogenized themes
Are they really dissapeared, or just missing for me?
We removed the old templates as keeping them updated with all the changes we're making seemed entirely not worth it for the 6 people that used them.
We are thinking of introducing a new, darker colour scheme for the main theme though.
They're gone so this isn't an error. Every time we updated the software or added a plugin or did anything relating to ads, the old themes were always a headache to deal with. They were originally supposed to be removed with the launch of the new site but we kind of forgot about it.
Today, when updating ad code to make it easier to manage across the site and the forum, we decided to finally remove them given that there was only an extremely small number of members (25 across all of the archived themes) still using them.
That being said, we know that there is demand for a dark theme and intend to add one eventually, when time permits.
Edit: Curseses... Foiled by phone typing.
Yeah, I figured it wasn't an error, but i didn't feel my question warranted a new thread
That sucks, but I understand; whatever keeps the site running smooth I suppose
I sure wouldn't mind a darker or more neutral colored theme being added to the rotation at some point
Guess I just like my forums looking plain jane, im boring