(08-27-2011, 07:01 PM)Gaia Wrote: [ -> ]Something is a bit off, this section needs re-organizing.
Let's start off with the metal characters. They are bosses, therefore should be with the other three bosses.
The other characters (non-playable characters) in the section should be moved to the NPC's list, while the characters section should be renamed Playable Characters.
I hope this helps.
Just to confirm: Robot Eddie, Robot Jack Fenton and Robot Squidward should be on Enemies & Bosses
NPC means "Non-Playable Character" already so it's like writing "grey" or "gray" (ok, not really. It's more like writing Personal Computer instead of using "PC"), and if we move the "Characters" to a "Playable Characters" (not much a difference IMO) they would appear in the bottom of the listing.
While I'm on it, there's any playable character on the NPC?
Oh, and hi! Long time no see!
...I gotta re-install my MSN
(09-08-2011, 12:58 AM)Ultimecia Wrote: [ -> ] (08-27-2011, 07:01 PM)Gaia Wrote: [ -> ]Something is a bit off, this section needs re-organizing.
Let's start off with the metal characters. They are bosses, therefore should be with the other three bosses.
The other characters (non-playable characters) in the section should be moved to the NPC's list, while the characters section should be renamed Playable Characters.
I hope this helps.
Just to confirm: Robot Eddie, Robot Jack Fenton and Robot Squidward should be on Enemies & Bosses
NPC means "Non-Playable Character" already so it's like writing "grey" or "gray" (ok, not really. It's more like writing Personal Computer instead of using "PC"), and if we move the "Characters" to a "Playable Characters" (not much a difference IMO) they would appear in the bottom of the listing.
While I'm on it, there's any playable character on the NPC?
Oh, and hi! Long time no see!
...I gotta re-install my MSN
Particularly Spongebob, the titular character from the rest of the Nicktoons games. Wonder why he's an unlockable here.. Making room for the Last Airbender characters...? I swear even though Tak's part of the Nicktoons shtick, he's not as active as the other Nicktoons.
I still remember there was like ONE Jimmy Neutron rep in that blob game.. that's it? No Yolkatron or anything? That was confusing.
Also, why are the "Player characters" in the bottom instead of the usual top anyway? That confuses me so.
The sections aren't alphabetical, they're based on the order we make them - we can then go and change them, but we sometimes forget...
Dude, I don't like Nicktoons so don't ask me.
There are two Spongebob sheets: one for the playable version and another for the NPC one. I think he's one unlockable because...Well, a game without unlockable cool stuff isn't much fun, right? So there's no need to move this particular sheet
Simple: is because I can't rename a category, so I'm going to create a new one. And all new ones are at the bottom by default.
And if it is OK to everyone else I'm going to re-organize the MegaMan Battle Network series (GBA), now I've played all the games
You can rename sections, ultimecia. On the nav of the cp, go to edit sections. I think that's what it's called...
(09-08-2011, 08:03 PM)Ultimecia Wrote: [ -> ]Dude, I don't like Nicktoons so don't ask me.
And if it is OK to everyone else I'm going to re-organize the MegaMan Battle Network series (GBA), now I've played all the games
It's not your fault. I liked Nicktoons before it began to suck so yeah.
I'm okay with the changes the MMBN series will have; it will make it easier to find the characters, and the player characters from 5 are actually Boss Characters anyway.
Really? Good to know, thanks Dazz!
The only Nicktoons I liked was Danny Phantom (not sure if Avatar counts)
Half of the bosses characters from 5 are ALSO player characters
Nicktoons: Freeze Frame Frenzy:
- Renamed "Characters" to "Playable Characters" and "NPCs" to "Non-Playable Characters"
- Moved Robot Eddie, Robot Jack Fenton and Robot Squidward to "Enemies & Bosses"
Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge:
- Renamed "Friendly Characters" to "Playable Characters"
Mega Man Battle Network:
- Renamed "NPCs" to "Friendly Characters" and "Enemies" to "Enemies and Bosses"
- Moved GutsMan to Friendly Characters
- Fixed: Rockman is Stoneman. Rockman is actually Megaman's Japanese name
- Re-organized
MegaMan Battle Network 4:
- Moved Lan to Playable Characters (ooops)
MegaMan Battle Network 5:
- Moved Magnet Soul and Meddy Soul to a new session "Double Soul"
- Moved Bass Soul to a new session "Cross MegaMan"
- Moved Meddy to new session Friendly Characters
- Fixed Champy's icon
- As Lan is a Playable Character and is the only at the NPC part, renamed it
- Re-organized
Maybe I should get a real in-game shot of Battle Chip Challenge for the game icon
On Nicktoons: Freeze-Frame Frenzy..
Non-Playable Characters:
Bucksaplenty's Butler
Professor Membrane
This sheet isn't a Friend Area, it belongs in "Backgrounds".
this sheet has not yet been moved to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2.
I have dragged the Wake Up Forest to backgrounds, but I'm afraid I can't move a sheet to a different game, sorry; someone else who knows how that works would have to do that. :I
That is because you (or whoever did it) actually uploaded html files which have the file extension '.png' but are not. Also they only include image urls linking to your files somewhere else.
I might fix that for you, just wait a few minutes
PS: There you go....
I have to inform you, though, that your 'Title Screen & Misc' is a JPG and the 'Story Images' and 'Manual Pages' show artifacts as well. Just like the ones in your submission topic do, otherwise I'd have replaced them with those.
Oh, the sheet isn't JPG'd, that's how the graphics really are. I was surprised too, someone got lazy and saved the game's GFX as JPG.
And thank you Prev., I can always count on you.