I don't know what happened but the forum started to load correctly again
But there are the answers:
1- In one computer I had javascript on, the other was an internal plug-in. Both had problems to load
2- The only adblock I use is the firefox default one, and it never was too much trouble before
3- I've only updated my anti-virus in one of the computers (AVG), it stopped updating after a connection error some weeks ago, I solved it only using the double click on the update icon. I also checked to see if the configurations were OK, just in case, and nothing had changed. So yeah, my anti-virus was pretty much innocent, and the other computer uses the same anti-virus too and it was fully functional but no site loading. Yesterday and today so far the later computer is loading the forums without problems.
4- Well, this problem only affected TSR, so I'm guessing it might be this one. The strange thing was the ad fully loaded before the page stops loading.
(09-28-2008, 07:01 PM)shapeshifter Wrote: [ -> ]Hi everybody! I'm new here and I just registered to tell that the zip file in this page http://www.spriters-resource.com/other/o...traits.zip gives me errors on some portraits, it says CRC failed, the file is corrupt...something among those lines since my Winrar isn't English 
I downloaded it with firefox and IE but still the same error...seems it was uploaded with the error
looks like the same is happening with this
can anybody download it to confirm the error or whether it's just a problem on my behalf?
And my loading errors are back. At least now I think I've discovered the 'guilty' part.
It's one of the flash ad. It's always a advertisement of a notebook called ThinkPad x301.
There's a screen of the problem. If this ad loads, the rest of the page don't.
Most of those errors are stupid shit that we don't need to fix, and are basically just "You should put an alt"
I don't see the point in putting alts in if your server is reliable.
All other errors are fixed in the new system. And in fact, our system automatically codes in alt tags.
In fact, the source they're using to check these errors is completely wrong as it doesn't take into account how flash embeds itself or how we use our ads system.
(12-24-2008, 10:07 AM)ARefractedSwindler Wrote: [ -> ]you might want to think about these errors:
W3C's Error page for tSR
New site is valid HTML 4.01 Strict, actually. Might switch to XHTML 1.0 later, but I don't see the point. Not that it matters, because judging a site by how many errors are displayed on W3C's validator is really dumb. Examples:
Anyway, if the current site looks like crap for you, you're probably using IE6, which is entirely your fault.
Time for a more serious error: if I compose a PM and save it as a draft, the recipient is changed.
- I want to send Dazz a PM later; so I compose one now and save it as a draft (with Dazz already a recipient)
- Later, I load the draft, and the recipient is now ssvegeta6.
Since her appearance in Brawl, the icon needs to be changed into Zero Suit Samus. However, this is an icon/sheet error. meh.
I still see it.
Anyways, if you click resources, it goes back to the old template.
You`ve probably already heard all these.
- The Icon for one of the Sheets in the Final Fantasy 8 Section is the actual sheet
- In the 'It's a Wonderful World' Section, you have the 'Psyche Fox' Enemy under the 'Pig Noise' Section(Perhaps the Section Tag should be renamed 'The World Ends With You' it's not a 'major' problem, but some people might get confused...)
- Just really nitpicking here, but in the Pokemon Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond & Pearl Section, the Sub-Section titled 'Enemies' should just be 'Other Trainers' or 'Trainers' since they're technically not enemies(you can probably argue they technically are enemies, but then you'd have to consider the other Pokemon as enemies too...and I'm just rambling at this point)
Those are all the Errors I noticed(Although, you could say the last one isn't an 'error' per se), Hope I helped, I'll probably look at the site more later to see if I notice anything else
(01-10-2009, 02:09 AM)JoshR691 Wrote: [ -> ]- The Icon for one of the Sheets in the Final Fantasy 8 Section is the actual sheet
- In the 'It's a Wonderful World' Section, you have the 'Psyche Fox' Enemy under the 'Pig Noise' Section
- Just really nitpicking here, but in the Pokemon Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond & Pearl Section, the Sub-Section titled 'Enemies' should just be 'Other Trainers' or 'Trainers' since they're technically not enemies(you can probably argue they technically are enemies, but then you'd have to consider the other Pokemon as enemies too...and I'm just rambling at this point)
All fixed, but I think I'll have to change the section name later since I only just woke up and I'm tired

"Notice: Undefined index: listView in /home/sprites/public_html/cp/preview/search.php on line 17"
When you search for something.