When you're viewing a sheet that's large horizontally in The Textures Resource, it stretches out past the... grey background table thing, like
this sheet here. It's not exactly hurting anything, but I think it should be made so the grey background stretches with the sheet like TSR does, since it looks weird.
This is already taken care of in the new version so I wouldn't worry about it too much. If someone really wants it fixed though, I suppose I could take a look at it this weekend.
No big deal, just thought I would mention.

The heads up is always appreciated

If you're curious though, the new version resizes larger images automatically to make them fit within the window and then provides a link to see the full size version.
And um, one more thing, I want to ask if anyone besides me is having trouble clicking the letters past A, B and C in all resources except for sprites. I can't click on them even if they're highlighted... TSndR worked until I used the back button then it stopped working... I've cleared cache and stuff, but still the same. It's really irritating and I don't know why it's doing that. It didn't used to, I just found that the other day.
Seems to be working for me...
I'm actually seeing the same issue on my end. Strange... I think it has something to do with the ad's box covering that portion of the navigation bar. Even though it's invisible, it seems that the ad is rendering something over the edge of where it's supposed to end and keeping us from clicking the links. This can be confirmed by hovering on one of the letters at the bottom-most point - you'll be able to highlight and click it from there but not higher.
Jetters and Tonberry, what browsers are you using? I'm on Chrome and I know Dazz is on Firefox so we can try to narrow this down to a browser for now.
I use Firefox (the latest version), and I have AdBlock off on all resources. My cousin suggested I temporarily turn AdBlock on until it's fixed but I didn't want to do that...
Hmm... well there goes my browser theory. Country theory is out the window as well since three of us are in the US.