(05-10-2012, 05:19 PM)Davy Jones Wrote: [ -> ]http://www.spriters-resource.com/ds/kerorpg/
Enemy 21 leads to Enemy 20.
Does it? I don't know the game, but apparently, Enemy 20 has an axe and 21 has a spear, so the icons match the sheet content and they are different sheets. The icon for 21 uses an alternate palette, though.
Or did someone already fix it without telling?
(05-10-2012, 08:26 PM)recolormeme Wrote: [ -> ]This google error thing keeps on popping up everytime I thank someone. Is it me?
Works fine here (Firefox/Chrome). Have you tried it using a different browser?
Ah ok, it was just an alternate palette. Everything is fine then =)
(05-11-2012, 06:17 AM)Davy Jones Wrote: [ -> ]Ah ok, it was just an alternate palette. Everything is fine then =)
Yep, the sheets are fine.
I should know, I uploaded those.

Also, I've never seen that Google thing either.
<-Animated Gif avatar fail
Can anyone help a fellow man out? I've seen animated gifs in their avys so I was wonderin'.. what IS the exact limit for the avatar size for animated gifs anyway? My avatar is an animated gif, but it doesn't have playback, which is weird as Polaj's is just as big (if not bigger), yet it moves..
I've had that happen too. The .GIF stops animating when it gets compressed by the site.
Use the new version of Previous' GIF animator to shrink it down, and you're set.
Ah, forgot about it, thanks! It should play now.
Your avatar annoys me
Sorry for double post but
I've found an error. As you can see I tried to rate a thread when this window popped up:
Hey guys, don't you think
this should be on TSR instead of TTR? Because I really think it should.
I'm just guessing here, but it's possible that technically they are textures, and that in-game they're on a background model, like a flat plane or something.
Otherwise it should be on tSR.
Looking at what SA stuff is on TTR and what is on TSR, I agree on moving it.
Compare to
this, for example.
I dont think that the menu's were even flat planes. I think they are just backgrounds. I agree on moving them.
*ahem* Well, this is embarrasing, two (or possibly more) sheets relaited to the character I looked up on the site and she's a no-show. Can this be rectefied?
Sheets that should pop up:
KOS-MOS' Namco X Capcom sheet and her Nikarishi Dungeon 3 cameo spritesheet. There could be more but I suggest these two for now.
As for site features like the search function, you won't likely see any changes being made to the current version as the new site is on the way (and will most likely (hopefully ;-) have a better search function just as it will be a lot better overall anyways).