On the mobile version of this site, there used to be a button that says "switch to full version". It's not there anymore... What's wrong?
I think you can switch to the normal version by scrolling down bottom and choosing a theme other than "MyBB GoMobile".
Works like magic! I tried that before posting, but it wasn't working earlier. Thanks!
I also notice that to access UCP, you have to log in again.
(05-23-2012, 07:57 AM)BlueBlur97 Wrote: [ -> ]I also notice that to access UCP, you have to log in again.
That's a common cookie problem: "spriters-resource.com" and "www.spriters-resource.com" are treated as two different things.
That's what you get for not going the subdomain-path (ie "community.spriters-resource.com") ;-)
Is the mobile version hard-coded to spriters-resource.com? It really shouldn't be if it is. Relative links solve this problem easily (as does forcing to one or the other - I personally rewrite requests for my domains without the www to their www counterpart).
Why are there two versions anyway? Why not just have the www version?
(I'm pretty noobish at networking and domains so it'll probably be obvious.)
It started out as a way to differentiate a single domain's web services from its other services (like SMTP or FTP). While not technically necessary, it has stuck around since very early on and is mostly a matter of preference at this point. I personally like the www as it balances the URL so I rewrite requests for my own domains to always include them.
Before logging in the ads in the top right seemed to be double stacked, as in 2 on top of each other instead of just one (always seem to be the ones with the gold + in the corner of them)
That's odd... Do you mean you see an ad load, and then a totally different ad loads?
edit: Oh, I see... How weird - I'll talk to Pete about this later.
Yea... the "change themes" button won't work if you changed the theme to TSR mobile.

Yeah, I dunno about that. As far as I know the only way to subscribe to a thread is to choose "Subscribe without receiving/and receive email notification of new replies" when posting a reply.
It should get fixed though.
Checked out the mobile version, looks pretty. Noticed the tick box is "stay signed in" which is probably what it should be.
However when I go on the site normally (use Chrome if that's important) the tick box says "undefined" next to it.
This is odd but I don't think my PMs are working. Every time I send one it says under Sent To: "N/A"
What's up with that?