Well it just happened this one time, I haven't noticed in any other time, I thought it might have something to do with "pink mod name"+"Invisible User(s)".
Don't know if this is an error but i just posted in The Favorite VG Music Thread but my post is not showing up 0.0 it should be post #706
Yeah, that's a known error. It happens sometimes when your post is the first on a new page, and tends to happen with very large threads. It's a problem with the bb forum software but I don't know the specifics. Anyway, your post will show up as soon as someone makes a new post in the thread, so don't worry about it, your post isn't gone, it's just... hiding.
(06-17-2012, 12:12 AM)Gaia Wrote: [ -> ]Broken images?
That's weird, because they worked fine for me. How about now? I downloaded, opened, saved, and re-uploaded the PNG files, maybe that fixed it.
Work fine for me. Although all those mouths do make them look pretty weird

They're that way on purpose, they have mouth frames for when they're talking : first row is happy talking mouth, second is unhappy talking mouth.
and on the side, there's the miniportrait, and the blinking frames.
Only happened today, and only in the "What are you listening to?" thread. Could have something to do with the recently achieved 1,000th post.
over in the favorite VG music thread, i posted some vids but my post wouldn't show up. i tried again just in case i accidentally hit "save as draft", but it still wouldnt show up. apologies for any double posts in that thread
(06-18-2012, 01:28 AM)alexmach1 Wrote: [ -> ]over in the favorite VG music thread, i posted some vids but my post wouldn't show up. i tried again just in case i accidentally hit "save as draft", but it still wouldnt show up. apologies for any double posts in that thread
That's happened to me sometimes, but it could be a problem from your browser. I've tried the same thing in Internet explorer, and this problem happened. Then I tried out Firefox and it appeared. Or it could be a problem from the URL you provided.
Regarding my earlier error (about the vertically stacked buttons), I've discovered a trend: I looked around and noticed that it's happening with every post that has a video in it, in any thread, even if this video is within a spoiler. However, posts without videos, even in video-abundant threads, don't have it.
While writing this, however, I saw something that seems to break the trend. While
this post has it,
this one doesn't. Very weird.
Is anybody else getting this? I hope I'm not chasing some nonexistent glitch that has to do with my browser or something.
It might so be your browser. But I can't be sure. Try using another browser.
Not happening for me either, and I even tried with the different skins...
I'm using my cell, and it's fine from my end.
Geheh, it doesn't happen with Internet Explorer, so it's probably Firefox's problem. Come to think of it, it actually started happening around the same time I updated Firefox to v13. That'll be it
Still pretty weird though, you gotta admit.