(06-30-2012, 04:19 PM)Drshnaps Wrote: [ -> ]I'm surprised this hasn't been addressed already with how long this has been on the site but ...
For Kirby's Dream Land 1, 2, and 3, as well as Nightmare in Dream Land ... the sections are listed with "Dreamland" being one word when it's supposed to be two: "Dream Land". It's like that on the big game icons too.
Sorry if it sounds like I'm being picky but ... it just seems embarrassing to have had such a simple error for so long without anyone taking note of it.
Fixed, fixed, fixed aaand fixed! Thanks for pointing out!
That's what happens when people use all-caps for game logos!
Going to ask Mr.C if he still has the sheet somewhere. Internet wiped everything already!
I can't find that "prehistoric monkey" in any other sheet so that on's staying up for now.
Moved the Marth!
Models are beyond my reach, but I'm pretty sure it's just another empty category. Probably there had been content before but it got taken down per request, I don't know!
I think there is something up with the search function.
I wanted to jump quick to Super Mario RPG, so I typed in "RPG" into the search box ... but it didn't come up in my results. I assume this is because you have it listed as "Super Mario RPG: Legend etc." with the colon in there and it's not registering as a result because the punctuation isn't being removed?
Also the results don't show up in alphabetical order which can make things hard to find when you get a lot of results ... especially since you guys use icons and we can't just use ctrl+f to jump to what we want quickly. (which I guess is more of a suggestion than an error but I don't want to waste two posts on this ...)
Search is going to be overhauled on the new site so the issue of titles you're having now should disappear. As for sorting things alphabetically though, I hadn't planned on this. The search method I'll be using has the ability to sort by relevance to the search term which, hopefully, will make the results make sense. I'll wind up swapping it out for alphabetical if it doesn't work as intended though.
Finally, for search purposes, icons and text will be returned so that should fix the inability to search through your search results.
I realize that none of this addresses the problem this instant as it's all for future systems but it's definitely known and being worked on.
The "summons" characters there are from a special attack by Cooler - Krillin and Ginyu have such special supporters for their special attacks, too, I guess. The support characters are universal to all playable chars.
Oh wow SSW2 has been a while. Previous is right, they are different things. Support characters actually take a character "slot" in your team, whereas summons are summoned as an attack. You can also see on the sheets that support characters have many more images than the summons, most notably the touch screen icons used to switch characters (those yellow-orange portraits).
I actually feel like playing this now, thanks for questioning those sheets

might be a small mistake but at the end of this page:
it's written this:
By the use of any content hosted on this site you agree to our Privacy Policy.
Copyright 2001-2009, The Spriters Resource.
tSR's system professionally monitored by our staff.
All content hosted on tSR is copyright of its respective owners.
tSR is in no way affiliated with Sega, Nintendo, Capcom or any other company of whom's sprites appear on this site.
shouldn't it be written 2001-2012?
You're right - it should! I guess it's something that just got overlooked as time went on. It's fixed in the new version with an auto-updating year though

All avatars in the mobile version are resized to a square, so ones like mine or Mighty's appear squished (although GIFs still animate). Dunno if this is an error though, might be intended/inevitable, but just thought to mention it.