ive been drumming for about a year and just got them
while i really like them im having difficulties using them
anyone got any tips on usage/general stuff
i want roto toms

i have the worst coordination ever.
I would love to learn drums omg
but I live in a TINY TERRACED HOUSE so I don't have the room and my neighbours would probably mob me or sum'n :C
my kit is in my basement
which isnt soundproofed but the sound doesnt travel any further than the upstairs
I don't even have a basement! :C
I might try learning bass instead
bass is the sexiest instrument ever FACT
Wrong, that's Saxophone, duh.
Also for sexy druminess listen to this
I don't like screamo I just this that first drum bit is cool cause like bubibioufbionfubinb it goes like that okay
Just do a simple beat, while constantly hitting your bass.
Good example,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYPFrXvc2rE, skip to 0:18.
Another way to get better, I always get in trouble at school for doing this, is just while
your sitting tap your feet on the ground as if there were bass pedals there.
dont double bass
it sounds like shit
It only sounds bad if played with the wrong type of music imo.
Or if the drummer is just really that bad.
the majority of the music i listen to uses double bass
i personally like it but ok