I've been learning how to play guitar for a couple months now, so I'm somewhat decent at it.
What instruments have you/do you play?
piano, never practice though. i like singing better.
is he masturbating two invisible dicks?
Guitar, Drums, Bass Guitar, I like to do vocals but I don't think I'm very good at it.
I learned keyboard/piano BACK IN THE DAY
haven't really played since I was like 16
I can still just about play Fur Elise and that's it, derp
Guitar, bass, uke, drums, piano, violin, cello
but can you play all of them equally well!!!!
i can play piano but i'm terrible and can only use my right hand (unless the song is just chords)
i prefer singing, but my voice is way too deep to properly emulate the songs i like :l
(07-14-2010, 10:52 PM)bryan GT broyan Wrote: [ -> ]i can play piano but i'm terrible and can only use my right hand (unless the song is just chords)
i prefer singing, but my voice is way too deep to properly emulate the songs i like :l
practice singing led zeppelin songs
thats literally how i learned to sing in a falsetto
I don't play any instruments and I can't sing very well.
I can't play any instruments, but I can compose music using trackers

i cant play instrument for shit
neither sing.
i play classical guitar
and with it i sing decemberists songs, so i don't care if i'm bad