true blood aka people having sex the tv show
who even gives a fuck about either
I mean seriously
Dark Romance is genuinely the dumbest genre of storytelling ever
I'm so glad that my local bookstore keeps dark romance separate from horror
because if I saw this shit alongside HP Lovecraft or Bram Stoker or Stephen King (one of the good ones, derp) I would cry forever.
actually which stephen kings do you like ?
because i am pretentious and namedrop authors I've barely read...
I've only read Pet Semetary and part of The Shining :X
I was gonna say John Ajvide Lindqvist but he's relatively new so that would probs make me a poser :C
dark romance sounds like a webcomic, looks like we have ot make it now gillian
(07-14-2010, 07:17 PM)Profanisaurus Wrote: [ -> ]HP Lovecraft
That shit creeps me out like nothing else.
the ste kings ive read (it, the dark half and another one) started off well then in mid-book it just seems like he thought "oh, sod it" and it got worse, it's a shame

I loved the Dark Tower series.
here let me break down modern "parody" for you: state what the thing you're making fun of literally is, perhaps exaggerate your voice or tone a bit, or make some dimwit observation that only complete morons who've never excelled at or given serious thought to any subject weightier than what show they're gonna watch on the cable teevee would find amusing or insightful (i.e. "eternal life is a cool/good thing"), or make some comparison to how the characters of your subject matter would handle some "real world" situation; don't forget, if your subject matter of choice has any at all moments where things are observed as not being good by the characters, call them "emo" or say they're overexaggerating; make sure not to make any actual salient points about any lack of merit in the work you're parodying either