07-26-2010, 01:43 AM
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07-26-2010, 10:20 AM
(07-26-2010, 01:43 AM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]oh cool i got the snipe, this is now my "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET ON TOPIC" post
this was not a snipe fuck you
<<<<<<< 50 posts per page hell yeah
I don't like legendaries because it's hard as hell to get one with decent stats, and because I catch them for the sake of capturing them I can't ever use them for battles
since I ALWAYS get dominated because of them
07-26-2010, 02:00 PM
My little sister was playing that Pokemon Revolution Wii game online against some dude.
Her team consisted of: Plusle, Minun, Pachirisu, Piplup, Cherubi, and Buneary.
Her opponent was: Palkia, Dialga, Giratina, Mewtwo, Registeel, and Rayquaza.
She won.
Her team consisted of: Plusle, Minun, Pachirisu, Piplup, Cherubi, and Buneary.
Her opponent was: Palkia, Dialga, Giratina, Mewtwo, Registeel, and Rayquaza.
She won.
07-26-2010, 02:58 PM
(07-25-2010, 06:47 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ](07-25-2010, 03:39 PM)pikachu diamonds Wrote: [ -> ]i actually agree with zac, deoxys and rayquaza are 2 of my favorite pokemon because they are just pure unadulterated badasses but i would never use them because it ruins the immersiveness of pokemon for me.
Pokémon has no immersion. It's the Barest-bones RPG this side of The Dark Spire and Wizardry.
The fact that Black/White is looking so good is in part to it actually trying to crank the plot and setting complexity up a notch - and that's just to put it on par with your garden-variety JRPG.
I like Pokémon as much as you do; but please don't pretend it's something that it really isn't.
the pokemon world is immerive, never said anything about the pokemon games
to everyone else bitchng and moaning about my post-- shut the fuck up i never said OHHH AHHHH EVERY LEGENDARY IS GOD TIER. its like when i join shoddy and im like yeah i onlyplay with my favorites sorry my team sucks, my opponent will say "i only play with my favorites too, they are my favorites because they are the strongest" its the same mind set with legendaries. "i only like legendaries becuase they are the strongest". thats shallow. IDGAF if you use legendaries, what the fuck ever, gabe shut your little pussy mouth all you do is whine WAAAH BUTSOME POEPLE WANT TO PLAY COMPETITIVELY shut the fuck up those people are sires anyway. if i want to min/max shit ill play a REAL game like an MMO or some shit where you are SUPPOSED to min/max, not pokemon
07-26-2010, 03:22 PM
(07-26-2010, 01:07 AM)JarJar Wrote: [ -> ](07-25-2010, 10:45 PM)Kat Wrote: [ -> ]All I ask is for people to let me know if they use legendaries and at that point I don't care but if they lie to me, then it gets me angry.
legendary is a status, not a tier.
We've been through this, legendary=/=broken. Trio pokemon and small legendaries (that isnt mew) are okay to use in regular battles.
You'd be pissed if i used a phione? it cant do shit. you can only complain if someone uses legendaries that are considered "ubers" by metagame standards. I just battled zac a few times and he used all 3 birds against me, sure they're tough but i always manage to take them out most of the time and i use regular pokemon. you should really look up their base stats and movepools and what metagamers consider them instead of judging and being paranoid of them because they have "history behind them"
idgas what smogon says because it would just be nice to know if you are using one so I can use one too, simple.
I never said all legendary is god teir, It just think it is unfair to not let on if you are using legendaries or not.
I have a shiny Mew that I adore for those who want to use small legendaries against me, no big deal. I also happen to like Articuno, Zapdos, Azelf, Jirachi, Phione, and Manaphy for those who like to want to use small legendaries against me.
If you want to use big ones then thats fine I have my Lugia, Kyogre, Mewtwo, Dialga, Regice, Latios, and Cresselia that I can use.
I have just been screwed over too many times by people with this convo happening:
Me: You gonna use legendaries?
Them: No
Me: ok give me a moment to get my team ready then.
~battle time~
~they have six legendaries~
~I tend to lose due to the fact that my pokemon get killed before I can carry out my plan~
Also those are my favorites because most of them tend to have a lot of the color blue in them. The First Mewtwo that I have in there a friend actually help me get from my red version all the way to my Diamond version and later i traded it to my SS version so He is my favorite as literally being my longest held pokemon.
07-26-2010, 04:19 PM
It's a game with competitive multiplayer; the fact that minmaxing exists and goes unpunished (unlike say, Brawl, where most teching and attack patterns were intentionaly and noticably tweaked or removed) makes is pretty clear that you're perfectly within your rights - maybe even encouraged to go for the high-tier teams.
By that same vein, the game itelf is aware of metagame limits - a lot of multiplayer modes limit and ban what would be Ubers to metagamers.
Of course, there's nothing stopping you from not using an ideal team, and if you have fun that way (I do!); then it's all good. Just don't bitch when someone else is playing to the limits imposed by the system and you lose because you've imposed a self-handicap. If you hate that kind of person don't play against them; fucking christ. These days I swear people who whine about the trials and tribulations of 'playing the way THEY want' are now The Worst Kind of Gamer. No one cares.
By that same vein, the game itelf is aware of metagame limits - a lot of multiplayer modes limit and ban what would be Ubers to metagamers.
Of course, there's nothing stopping you from not using an ideal team, and if you have fun that way (I do!); then it's all good. Just don't bitch when someone else is playing to the limits imposed by the system and you lose because you've imposed a self-handicap. If you hate that kind of person don't play against them; fucking christ. These days I swear people who whine about the trials and tribulations of 'playing the way THEY want' are now The Worst Kind of Gamer. No one cares.
07-26-2010, 06:30 PM
http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/wifievents.shtml Wrote:The first WiFi Event in Pokémon Black & White gives you the special item, the Liberty Ticket. This ticket will give you access to a special area in Isshu where you will find the Pokémon Victini in the wild. This allows you to capture Victini and is the only way to obtain it.not sure if this is just how they worded it or not
but it sounds like you can get a lot of these things
07-26-2010, 06:34 PM
http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/wifievents.shtml Wrote:The first WiFi Event in Pokémon Black & White gives you the special item, the Liberty Ticket.
Quote:Liberty Ticket
I can almost taste the Americana.
07-26-2010, 07:31 PM
(07-26-2010, 04:19 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]It's a game with competitive multiplayer; the fact that minmaxing exists and goes unpunished (unlike say, Brawl, where most teching and attack patterns were intentionaly and noticably tweaked or removed) makes is pretty clear that you're perfectly within your rights - maybe even encouraged to go for the high-tier teams.
By that same vein, the game itelf is aware of metagame limits - a lot of multiplayer modes limit and ban what would be Ubers to metagamers.
Of course, there's nothing stopping you from not using an ideal team, and if you have fun that way (I do!); then it's all good. Just don't bitch when someone else is playing to the limits imposed by the system and you lose because you've imposed a self-handicap. If you hate that kind of person don't play against them; fucking christ. These days I swear people who whine about the trials and tribulations of 'playing the way THEY want' are now The Worst Kind of Gamer. No one cares.
im not whining about playing against uber teams im saying that min/maxing in pokemon is kind of like trying to make the perfect bowl of cereal, and also that its kind of ridiculous that to enjoy the game you have to play with the most powerful pokemon.
(07-26-2010, 06:34 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/wifievents.shtml Wrote:The first WiFi Event in Pokémon Black & White gives you the special item, the Liberty Ticket.
Quote:Liberty Ticket
I can almost taste the Americana.
i hope it has the statue of liberty on it that would just be fucking icing
07-26-2010, 07:45 PM
(07-26-2010, 01:43 AM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET ON TOPIC
07-26-2010, 08:10 PM
(07-26-2010, 07:45 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ](07-26-2010, 01:43 AM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET ON TOPIC
(07-26-2010, 07:31 PM)pikachu diamonds Wrote: [ -> ](07-26-2010, 06:34 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/wifievents.shtml Wrote:The first WiFi Event in Pokémon Black & White gives you the special item, the Liberty Ticket.
Quote:Liberty Ticket
I can almost taste the Americana.
i hope it has the statue of liberty on it that would just be fucking icing
07-26-2010, 08:46 PM
07-26-2010, 09:09 PM
I'm good at re-railing topics 
and it would be pretty cool if they also had a 151st pokemon to go with victini
so we would have 152~

and it would be pretty cool if they also had a 151st pokemon to go with victini
so we would have 152~
07-26-2010, 09:12 PM
It'd be even cooler if Victini was #000 in the Nat'l Dex
07-26-2010, 09:54 PM
(07-26-2010, 08:46 PM)JarJar Wrote: [ -> ]it doesn't matter, i brought it up again because i KNOW some random asshole's gonna jump in and be like LOL METAGAMING and honestly i'm sick of hearing about metagaming in this forum(07-26-2010, 07:45 PM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ](07-26-2010, 01:43 AM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET ON TOPIC
last 3 posts were on topic you slowbro.
also there were rumors saying isshudex may have 150 pokemon, but due to victini being #000, that means it could be 151