(07-27-2010, 12:21 AM)Zac Wrote: [ -> ]that butterfree venonat stuff is bs
thats like saying that jigglypuff evolves into clefable cause there both pink and have big ears, or that pichu is minum's half brother cause they look the same
Not at all. Pichu and Minum look very much different despite minum being one of the two pikachu clones. And Jigglypuff and clefable don't look much a like either, except the fact that they are pink. (The ears aren't even the same wtf are you on?)
Venonat and butterfree has these similarities: antennas, eyes, hands, mouth, and biggest color (a darkish purple).
Not many other pokemon have 5 things in common with another one.
At least, without being related in some way.
Yes, I posted it on the topic. I firstly thought that it was a fact, because I didn't notice of my own, and my friend, which pointed out for me, said it was a fact. As I started researching, I realized that Game Freak have never really made anything about that clear and I started doing some speculation of my own, now:
(07-26-2010, 01:43 AM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET ON TOPIC"
![[Image: chiramii.png]](http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/chiramii.png)
its romanised name is confirmed to be Chillarmy
that sounds really stupid, IMHO
That's what everyone said last Gen.
Though I do agree, but it'll most likely grow on me.
(07-28-2010, 10:05 AM)Rosencrantz Wrote: [ -> ]its romanised name is confirmed to be Chillarmy
![[Image: chillarmy.png]](http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/6371/chillarmy.png)
I'd say "Chillarmi"/"Chilarmi" would be more likely. Y'know, what with it not having any design traits that would embody "army" semantically; even if it works phonetically.
Chillarmy really is the romanization, and as with nearly all rodent-pikalookalikes it will be most likely the same in english, even though I agree with you groove those work better.
I really hope these pokemon grow on me, I don't like the way most of them look right now. I don't wanna be hatin
It took me a little while, but after a few comics and witnessing the hate train, Wotter definitely grew on me and is going to be my starter
also Munna's apparently confirmed to remain Munna in its romance translation
I usually like to predict the English names for Pokemon after they've been revealed. The closest I've ever gotten was Spoink which I called "Sproink" when I first saw it.
Hell I've been doing this since Gen 2. I swear "Lavar" sounded better than Magby.
i thought wotter was adorable form the very beginning, fuck you all
(07-28-2010, 04:36 PM)pikachu diamonds Wrote: [ -> ]i thought wotter was adorable form the very beginning, fuck you all
This so much.
he looks cute but strong if you train him kinda like feraligater and his evolution looks fighting maybe