"In law, a contract is an agreement between two or more parties which, if it contains the elements of a valid legal agreement, is enforceable by law or by binding arbitration."
kid's in deep shit
There's plenty of people who lie about their age on the internet. It happens all the time. Cut him some slack.
Pretty sure he's not very serious on the legal term stuff. It's not like the kid's going to get arrested. :V
I'm only gonna ban him until he turns 13 jeez guys.
That's three years, like anyone's gonna remember. Kid should've just lied.
I banned him for 2 years, if he is competent to come back by then, then there will be no issue seeing as bans expire on their own. If he comes back or not is up to him.
If there is an issue then I'll just ban him for another year.
Keep in mind, regardless of how much Dazz wants this place to be more kid friendly, it really isn't. It probably won't be for a long while. 10 year olds are still kids. There is a lot of swearing on this forum, a few members here can be really abrasive to people who act as koolcid did. Koolcid wasn't overly angry or anything but it sounded like he never made much sense regardless of what he said.
But he was so kool.

So... how about those pokemon games?
So any news on what gym leaders we have too face?
The first is a rock gym leader then a water and after that is electric. That's all that's been revealed so far.
Wait, where/when was that revealed?
EDIT- And after a few hours I suddenly get the joke.
the first gym leader is always rock, save Johto
The only gym that I remember being revealed was that one with the beehive theme.
Yeah all the Japanese people went "WOOOOOAAAAH!" when they saw you walk through the Hive's honey wall.
(07-29-2010, 01:53 PM)vitamin semen Wrote: [ -> ]The first is a rock gym leader then a water and after that is electric. That's all that's been revealed so far.
i see what you did there