While I like Aipom a little more, I love this new guy
fuck gaypom seriously straight up pedophile
who cares salking owns both of there asses
I like this one better then Apiom and evos because it is slightly cuter but both have been beaten with an ugly stick.
I think we have enough primates now hm?
(08-23-2010, 12:52 AM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]I think we have enough primates now hm?
![[Image: Olive_baboon1.jpg]](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9a/Olive_baboon1.jpg)
with joking and shenanigans out of the way. We honestly need to see more then just some vegetable chimps (seeing this one is presumably an evolution) walking around. I mean we still don't know what evolves into what aside from luvdisc and those two things and I'd like a confirmation on that at least.
Fuck baboon pokemon, I want a Mandrill. And I'm willing to cry about it.
![[Image: mandril.jpg]](http://www.galeriade.com/Esteve/data/media/3/mandril.jpg)
OR a gold lion tamarin.
![[Image: tamarin_12541_340.jpg]](http://zoltantakacs.com/zt/im/scan/animals/tamarin_12541_340.jpg)
also broccoli monkey is hilarious
You know what I'm hoping for?
A legitimate Pokemon versus Trainer battle
like, a Team Plasma head decides that even after their pokemon are beaten, defeat is no option, and then they pull out some weapon and you have to fight them off too
(you all know you want this to happen)
(08-23-2010, 12:10 PM)Rosencrantz Wrote: [ -> ]You know what I'm hoping for?
A legitimate Pokemon versus Trainer battle
like, a Team Plasma head decides that even after their pokemon are beaten, defeat is no option, and then they pull out some weapon and you have to fight them off too
(you all know you want this to happen)
so basically creat extra sprites for a type of machine or something your team has to beat?
I doubt that would happen but it seems like a cool extra.
I think more like defeating THE BOSS (the person) after taking all his Pokémon out
(08-23-2010, 10:22 AM)TomGuycott Wrote: [ -> ]I want a Mandrill.
Pokemon attacking people happened enough in the tv show (i.e. Pikachu vs. Team Rocket), seems like it would make sense to be in the game sooner or later.
I want a bad guy team to drop Electrodes from the sky into towns as bombs.
(08-23-2010, 08:26 PM)Gabe Wrote: [ -> ]I want a bad guy team to drop Electrodes from the sky into towns as bombs.
not gonna happen, at least not this gen. you may as well ask for then to have fearows dive bomb 2 giant towers