Gee I wonder how my favortie series will be when I have kids

You never know. Things change, Pokemon may be dead one day. Look at so many things I love... They were dead before I was born!
yes we know, you like old things
Serebii has some new info:
In The Games Department
Pokémon Black & White - New Details - Combo Attacks
The first details on special CoroCoro magazine; CoroCoro Special's October issue have started to come out through a Twitter, with thanks to Sabonea Masukippa for translation. This issue confirms a new feature within Double & Triple Battles called Combination Attacks. These attacks can be joined together if you select both attacks by selecting two or more specific attacks. Three examples of these attacks include Grass Oath, Fire Oath and Water Oath. We don't know how these work exactly but we have three examples;
If you use Grass Oath and Water Oath, the moves combine to make a Moor attack which lowers your opponent's speed.
In addition to that, Fire Oath and Water Oath create a Rainbow in the sky which boosts the likelihood of secondary effects occuring for your team mates.
Grass Oath & Fire Oath creates a Field of Fire which will cause damage to the opponents each turn.
These combinations, as well as being done together, also need to be done in order. For example, for the Grass/Fire Oath one, you'll need to use Grass Oath and then Fire Oath. It is unknown if all combination moves will be like this. We'll bring more details on this brand new feature as and when it comes including and hopefully some scans & total confirmation so keep checking back.
A comic is being published by CoroCoro,
It's always smugleaf
that's pretty cool though. I hope those combo attack things don't feel useless and thrown together but at least they're adding something
those comics sure as hell remind me of the pokemon adventures manga.
I figured the male lead wouldn't be hopped up on sugar and Annoying this time around, due to being older.
So much for that.
Is it me or does it seem like they made our protagonists younger? Check Serebii's banner, are those the same artwork of our heroes we saw before? Because they look younger now.
I dunno. They look about the same to me.
(08-31-2010, 03:36 PM)GrooveMan.exe Wrote: [ -> ]I figured the male lead wouldn't be hopped up on sugar and Annoying this time around, due to being older.
So much for that.
i agree
that's like
the /complete/ opposite of how he should look
rumored images that might be fake about the evolution forms of each starter pokemon:
i really hope these are fake. I mean, the fire evolutions are fucking awesome but
oh my god why little otter
why are your evolutions ugly as fuck I WAS GOING TO PICK YOU AS MY STARTER
(the middle evolution isn't bad, just that it would look much better in white instead of light-blue, which looks really ugly)
I know this has been said before and shit and it's going to sound like me whining
But the Otter one looks like a Digimon
I'm not even joking, it doesn't even make any fucking sense
So yeah I'm calling bullshit, the middle one for Smugleaf and Wotter are real, but we don't know any others d: (although the last evolution for Smugleaf looks very convincing)
(09-02-2010, 08:03 PM)vitamin semen Wrote: [ -> ]I just see "4 chan"
me too but you can right click-->properties and paste the link in your browser and it works