(09-11-2010, 06:13 PM)pikachu diamonds Wrote: [ -> ]wasnt that confirmed a long ass time agot o be fake
Confession time: It was me who went on pokejungle and trolled them saying it was fake.
Chances are they're real.
Also I was the one who did the shitty plant owl and fake gigaiasu pre-evo and fake emonga sprite (few already knew this).
I'm going Pokabu not because I like him, or even because I almost ALWAYS pick the Fire Starters, but really because I want to get him to his second Evo and annoy the crap out of my friend, who HATED that image when it was thought to be fake. That's the only reason I'd be disappointed if it did turn out to be fake at this point.
(09-11-2010, 08:22 PM)Mister Ruckus Wrote: [ -> ] (09-11-2010, 06:13 PM)pikachu diamonds Wrote: [ -> ]wasnt that confirmed a long ass time agot o be fake
Confession time: It was me who went on pokejungle and trolled them saying it was fake.
Chances are they're real.
Also I was the one who did the shitty plant owl and fake gigaiasu pre-evo and fake emonga sprite (few already knew this).
if those i real im not getting the game.. ;O;
also i knew lol hence my post saying "i hope the creator of these pokemon dies" comment
Well the anime beta art had wotter and smugleaf's 2nd evolution on it so they are more than likely real
(09-11-2010, 09:31 PM)Video_Pochi Wrote: [ -> ]Well the anime beta art had wotter and smugleaf's 2nd evolution on it so they are more than likely real
we're not even talking about the 2nd evos right now, we're talking about the FINAL evolutions
try to keep up
Sorry, well to me the final evolutions look out of place compared to the first and second
Pokabu's evolutions are fucking DUMB. I was hoping they'd all be on four legs but noooooo.
I actually really like Wotter's middle evo, almost makes me wanna pick him but the final evo is dumb too.
those finals are literally telefang
those 2nd and 3rd forms look fucking retarded
for all of them
especially wotter what the hell
the pig guy has the only evolution line that makes sense, and its designs loot totally generic
I actually like all of wotter's evos the best. The rest are really stupid looking though
(09-11-2010, 10:41 PM)SengirDev Wrote: [ -> ]those finals are literally telefang
Right there is one of my problems. When a Pokemon starts looking like a Digimon/Metroid enemy/Telefang/whatever it bugs me. Pokemon should look like Pokemon...
However I can't complain, for the most part this generation has impressed me.
I don't see how they look like anything other then pokemon anyway. After all they /are/ pokemon.
the main problem i see here is that smugleaf and wotter's 3rd forms looks NOTHING like the rest of their evolution lines
I mean, smugleaf's I can /sort of/ see;
It looks like shit, but I suppose it could pass for a 3rd form for smugleaf.
But wotter's is so entirely different (not to mention stupid looking) that it just makes no sense how that comes from the second form.
(09-11-2010, 10:41 PM)SengirDev Wrote: [ -> ]those finals are literally telefang
Y'know, looking through the telefang rips there are several that actually are pretty similar to 5th gen Pokémon.

(09-12-2010, 02:28 AM)Butch Wrote: [ -> ] (09-11-2010, 10:41 PM)SengirDev Wrote: [ -> ]those finals are literally telefang
Y'know, looking through the telefang rips there are several that actually are pretty similar to 5th gen Pokémon. 
Maybe insperation?
It honestly happens all the time.
But Smugleaf's final evo looks like a queen (even if it is a guy it is literally like the pokemon version of a royal female.), Bacon's Final Evo looks like one of those fake wrestlers that are mainly payperview showings (think like the Hulk or Jeff Hardy), and Wotter's final evo looks like a Sealion with a walrus stache with bitchin armor made out of sea shells.
Sorry but I do actually like Wotter's final evo (even if it is fake idgas) and from the begining I always said I want wotter but might go smugleaf because both aren't bad (but wotter is better) and I'm not going smugleaf because I honestly don't like that second evo and really dislike the 3rd evo but wotter's evo line is pretty cool. (I think the whiskers should have been light blue and the main body be white but oh well.)