final evos are real what the LUMP
fuq everything ever not even bothering w/ this gen because i'm that petty (it takes skill to be this petty), tia
I'unno, I'd say my first impression is a fairly pleased one. There were some pretty neat-o pokemon.
I hate Wotters final evo though.

emboar is the only good starter
and a really cool name, i like its localised as that.
500, 512, 530, 558, 559, 565, 579, 589, 593, 621, 623, 625, 628, 646.
my fav ones
gotta narrow this down to 6 for my team lol
508, 521, 530, 553, 586, 589, 601, 609, 612, 614, 625, 626, 630, 635, 637, 645, 646 all own
either slapping an everstone on smugleaf or just keeping the starter out of my team literally for the entire game (never done this before BIG GASP)
(09-16-2010, 02:32 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]no new evos of past pokemon.
you sure about that? luvdisc got one, why only that one?
dsfasdf whats that small yellow thing
i completely missed it when i looked through the list
In all honesty, that ground/ghost golem is pretty fucking cool.
(09-16-2010, 03:25 PM)Keychain Wrote: [ -> ] (09-16-2010, 02:32 PM)Tonberry2k Wrote: [ -> ]no new evos of past pokemon.
you sure about that? luvdisc got one, why only that one?
That's not related to Luvdisc
hatoopoo lol
omg all these are aweosme except like 10 or so starter finals included...
Anyone notice that
Aakeosu has base 140 attack and 110 speed? Holy shit.
and Roopushin is the best pokemon ever, hands down
and a Dark/Fighting type and a Dark/Dragon type, holy fuck
Oh. My. Fucking. God.
I fucking LOVE Shimama and Zeburaika
Yuniran is soooooo cute gfbrkejghdhugfio
Definatly want Baibanira, Shanderaa, Tsunbeaa, and a lot more. I like this generation. Hunter stop being so petty.
Okay I just saw the whole dex and I have to say, this is my favourite generation.
And by favourite generation I do mean that I think it's better than the first generation.
I'm very very impressed by a lot of the guys in here and I have to admit, it's because a lot of them don't feel like pokémon.
It seems like they shoved "lets make pokémon" out of the metaphorical window and really tried to go for something new, and I have to say that really really pleases me.
I see a lot of great stuff they'd never do in Gen 1, and as all of the following gens felt like inferior copies, they'd never do it either.
Count me very very impressed by a large section of the dex.
I hate reading through this topic and reading all of the japanese names and having to look up what they are. Can't we just call them like "sea turtle", "ice cream cone", or "gay construction clown chipmunk thing"?