If we're naming them, 514 is Reggie.
elite 4 loosk awesome
i like the dark trainer
(09-16-2010, 04:02 PM)Homey D. Clown Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: 2pyb1wz.png]](http://i56.tinypic.com/2pyb1wz.png)
Dream team~
you bastard, got half my team
I get the feeling that Neorice secretly worked with Game Freak to make these pokemon
um my team is all mijumarus and it's better than yours
![[Image: emot3.gif]](http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/3220/emot3.gif)
They're adorable. (I am the biggest distinguished lady.)
1 Dream Team with whipped cream.
The Ground Dark Gator is the only Pokemon with three forms where I like all three forms.
In my opinion this generation goes from levels of awesome to levels of awful. Mostly when it comes to evolution. That doggy goes from cute, to cool, to what the hell? And that's a pretty cool trash-bag Pokemon... But the hell happens to it!? Yeah the evolved form for some of these are kinda bad.
One thing I am very happy about is the number of multi-headed Pokemon. Something that has declined over the years.
I must say I feel there is a stage missing between 588 and 589.
Serebii says the gator is only ground.
(09-16-2010, 06:41 PM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]The Ground Dark Gator is the only Pokemon with three forms where I like all three forms.
In my opinion this generation goes from levels of awesome to levels of awful. Mostly when it comes to evolution. That doggy goes from cute, to cool, to what the hell? And that's a pretty cool trash-bag Pokemon... But the hell happens to it!? Yeah the evolved form for some of these are kinda bad.
One thing I am very happy about is the number of multi-headed Pokemon. Something that has declined over the years.
I must say I feel there is a stage missing between 588 and 589.
I think its more likely that 588 and 616 got switched.
Also a couple of them got updated types. The tadpole - frog evolution chain got a ground subtype on the 2nd and 3rd forms, and the sand croc got a dark subtype on all 3 forms (both weren't there before).
It seems that way doesn't it? But look deep inside that insane knightly armor you can see the original bug Pokemon. My theory is we have a Shelder Slowpoke relationship going on here. After 616 evolves it leaves it's shell behind then 588 picks it up and uses it as it's own armor.
(09-16-2010, 07:16 PM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]It seems that way doesn't it? But look deep inside that insane knightly armor you can see the original bug Pokemon. My theory is we have a Shelder Slowpoke relationship going on here. After 616 evolves it leaves it's shell behind then 588 picks it up and uses it as it's own armor.
I see what you mean. Zoomed in, I can tell the 2nd stage that looks like a knight has a blue body with a yellow belly underneath the armour, the same colouration as its pre-evolution.
Oh man, this fifth generation looks AWESOME
nageki the pok-gi-mon and
oh my god the yorkshire terrier
yes in fact i've gotta say i've got my dream team picked out already
![[Image: dreamoteamo.png]](http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/6341/dreamoteamo.png)
im nicknaming the rock crocodile cocknose. guess why
guess which one's gonna be the HM slave
oh hey i forgot to post my starter
i guess i'll just be going with firepig
and whoa
![[Image: 114wqd.jpg]](http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/8960/114wqd.jpg)
the pokemon formerly known as prince
Now that all the Pokemon are revealed I'm anxious to start a TSR Dex Project. But it's probably too soon.