Anyone else get the feeling that bug and fighting types have been whored out with this gen?
Awesome bug types are pretty rare though, so I'm willing to let that slide. As for the fighting types, I really like a lot of the ones they have, and they seemed to put fighting as a subtype for a number of the legendaries. More original than 10 Psychic type legendaries, that's for sure.
(09-16-2010, 08:20 PM)Koopaul Wrote: [ -> ]Now that all the Pokemon are revealed I'm anxious to start a TSR Dex Project. But it's probably too soon.
You should wait 'til after TUGS. If you did I probably wouldn't mind trying to join in, but I'd have to get used to Pokemon style and I'm retarded at designs but I guess I could get help with that
wow, actually going through I like so many of these. But if I had to pick
This gen has some stylin' dudes
Oooo I want to post my dream team!
![[Image: pokev.png]](
There we go.
I fucking love Desukan for some reason, ever since it was first revealed I always liked it for some reason.
the red alligator makes me think of a donkey kong 64 boss
![[Image: isshu-pokemon-72.jpg]](
![[Image: isshu-pokemon-73.jpg]](
i genuinely didnt think my new ABSOLUTE favorite pokemon would come this gen, but here it is folks
this pokemon line has EVERYTHING i could ever want in a pokemon
gorgeous colors
a VERY cute first evo with lots of personality
a VERY VERY bad ass looking 2nd evo with AMAZING stats
great typing
just in general great design
i love this motherfucker so much, i imagine he's a new fossil type considering his rock typing, so i hope he's easy to get because i love this pokemon so much
He's by far one of my favourite 5th gen Pokémon as well.

A fossil pokemon that is a raptor with feathers puts such a smile on my face.

There's even a Pheasant, and a Vulture

DDDD best birds ever.
(09-16-2010, 10:15 PM)icarly_viewer Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: isshu-pokemon-72.jpg]](
![[Image: isshu-pokemon-73.jpg]](
i genuinely didnt think my new ABSOLUTE favorite pokemon would come this gen, but here it is folks
this pokemon line has EVERYTHING i could ever want in a pokemon
gorgeous colors
a VERY cute first evo with lots of personality
a VERY VERY bad ass looking 2nd evo with AMAZING stats
great typing
just in general great design
i love this motherfucker so much, i imagine he's a new fossil type considering his rock typing, so i hope he's easy to get because i love this pokemon so much
Only bad thing is it's ability, apparently if it's damage reaches over 50% a lot of it's stats get crippled.
Kinda the slaking-effect, really.
Just having a skill swap/worry seed in doubles should fix that problem.
(09-16-2010, 10:15 PM)icarly_viewer Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: isshu-pokemon-72.jpg]](
![[Image: isshu-pokemon-73.jpg]](
i genuinely didnt think my new ABSOLUTE favorite pokemon would come this gen, but here it is folks
this pokemon line has EVERYTHING i could ever want in a pokemon
gorgeous colors
a VERY cute first evo with lots of personality
a VERY VERY bad ass looking 2nd evo with AMAZING stats
great typing
just in general great design
i love this motherfucker so much, i imagine he's a new fossil type considering his rock typing, so i hope he's easy to get because i love this pokemon so much
I could not possibly agree more, he's definitely got a spot on even my cross-region team
*ice beam*
Problem solved.
Has there been any word on the Dream World yet?