09-18-2010, 01:12 PM
(09-18-2010, 11:17 AM)Blitz Troopa Wrote: [ -> ](09-17-2010, 06:48 PM)StarSock64 Wrote: [ -> ]
Evolution of the Broccoli Monkey!
Trying to decide if this is a pointless post or not.
ANYWAY The more you know:
As you climb up while 8 of the 11 Gym Leaders of Isshu protect you, N's faithful minions, the Dark Trinity appear to tell you where N is.
Go to the room on the right and two mysterious females will restore you for your upcoming battle
![[Image: female.png]](http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/female.png)
In the left & right rooms, you will find numerous Plasma Grunts talking about N. However, you need to go beyond these rooms and climb the stairs. In the first room you'll find a lab with a PC to exchange your Pokémon. Bring your best for this fight. Keep climbing the stairs and you'll encounter more of the Dark Trinity and they will point you to N's Toy Room where a Rare Candy is.
![[Image: toyroom.png]](http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/toyroom.png)
(Kat's note: Am I the only one who finds this a bit creepy? Kinda like the guys' who fetish it is to be like a baby and be taken care of like one.)
When you get to the top, N's unwitting pawn in the Team Plasma business, Geechisu arrives and reluctantly steps aside believing that N has gone too far. Enter the room and you will find N sitting on a throne
![[Image: nthrone.png]](http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/nthrone.png)
N, still believing that he is right in how Pokémon and people should be equals regardless of the consequence calls on Zekrom/Reshiram (Black/White respectively). They burst in, tails flaming with their respective elemtns causing the area to grow clear once more
![[Image: zekromappear.png]](http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/zekromappear.png)
However, before all is lost, he item that you received from Aloe earlier starts to glow allowing for Reshiram/Zekrom to be called. It appears and starts reverting what its counterpart did
![[Image: item.png]](http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/item.png)
![[Image: reshiramappear.png]](http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/reshiramappear.png)
This is your chance. Now Reshiram has appeared, you have to capture it or defeat it in order to progress the story
![[Image: reshiram-ow.png]](http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/reshiram-ow.png)
N in an act of kindness, heals your Pokémon but challenges you to a battle. If you had a spare slot in your party, Reshiram/Zekrom will always appear first regardless of team order. N has a Lv. 52 Zekrom/Reshiram, Lv. 50 Baibanira, Lv. 50 Zoroark, Lv. 50 Gigigear, Lv. 50 Abagoora and a Lv. 50 Aakeosu
![[Image: reshzekbattle.png]](http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/reshzekbattle.png)
After you have defeated N, Geechisu comes in and starts going on about how the plans failed. Cheren and Adeku come in but it's too late. Geechisu demands a battle with you. He has a Level 52 Desukan, Lv. 50 Buffaron, Lv. 50 Shibirudon, Lv. 54 Sazando, Lv. 52 Gamageroge & Lv. 52 Kirikizan
![[Image: geechisubattle.png]](http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/geechisubattle.png)
After battle, Cheren and Adeku take Geechisu away while N requests to stay in his home one last time. He sends out his Zekrom and thanks you. The credits then roll
Looker is in your house after you have finished the game. He will give you the Super Rod.
When you leave the house AraragiPaPa will give you, Belle & Cheren the National Pokédex.
In Route 16, there's a Cycling Road and half way across it you'll find Dark Trinity who are apologetic and give you the Adamant Orb, Lustrous Orb and the Griseous Orb
The PokéShifter is located in Route 15
Pupitar, among other old Pokémon, is found on Route 15
To follow up, we'll work on location lists asap. I'm not going going to just spout out every Pokemon I find
I just noticed that one of the displays (not the skeleton display) in the Shippou City Museum (2nd Gym) is a fossilized Armaldo. A reference to Gen 3, perhaps, more specifically, to RS.
The menu sound effects come straight from RSE as well I might add, pretty sure. (Friend did a comparison check).
The sleeping animations for Pokemon put to sleep is a nice touch I'll add, and N's themes scream 'I'm evil look at me'.
Each town (thus far anyways) also seems to have a few people sitting by/holding instruments - talk to them and they'll add their instrument to the town's theme music. Nice touches here and there have to say.
Found Cynthia in Sazanami Town; Spiritomb Lv. 75, Shibirudon Lv. 75, Milotic Lv. 75, Wargle Lv. 75, Lucario Lv. 75 & Garchomp Lv. 77
You also get HM06; Dive in Sazanami Town
You can only use the Dream World feature once a day
You need to help Looker find the Sages. I have just found one in Route 18. 5 more to go
This search will take a long time. I actually think this game coverage will take longer than ever...especially as we ahvent found a way to manipulate seasons yet
Oh, there was leftover code in the dex which made it seem like Weavile got Illusion as its Dream World ability. This is not the case, I apologise for the inconvenience
Another sage in a new are of the Abandoned Dreams Lot. He gave TM75 before Looker took him
I've got a lot of exploring to do
I keep finding a lot of old Pokemon, I wouldnt be surprised if they're all dotted around the place.
It sure is going to make Pokéarth hard to do as in addition to these, theres the Pokemon just just suddenly appear in the ground/water like Moguryuu and Corsola
After beating the game, return to the Ancient Castle in the Desert and Araragi will tell you that you can awaken the Hihidaruma. These Hihidaruma have the Daruma Mode ability instead which changes its form at 50% or below MAX HP
![[Image: hihidarumadarumamode.png]](http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/hihidarumadarumamode.png)
Found the third sage in the castle in a cave similar to Turnback Cave
Urugamosu is found at the end of this cave. It is at Level 70
![[Image: urugamosu-ow.png]](http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/urugamosu-ow.png)
The fourth sage is found in the Freezer Compartments. He gives you TM01 before he gets captured
The fifth sage is all the way at the bottom of the Electric Rock Cave. However, this time, Plasma Grunts come to try and stop you from giving him up and letting Looker find N. He gives you TM69 after you defeat them