Pokemon: the only time recolors are cool
Mascot legendary shinies really suck
I'm not gonna lie, they're just about equal to the palkia and dialga shinies, and that's a bad thing.
Not really that many gender differences this time, but when there is... Wow there's a huge difference. Look at the Pidgeon's final form!
This thread made me finally make a new account.
Anyway, I can't wait to get my hands on the game when it's released in the US.
I would've had a Japanese copy shipped, but I wanted to save the hands-on experience for a language I understand.
The graphics are absolutely stunning. I've always loved Nintendo's hybrid of 3D and 2D with D/P/Pt and HG/SS.
dont know if this was posted before
and i dont care
aha black gets murkrow fuck yeah
A girl trades you Rotom for Ditto?
Both are breedable; so it's entirely possible.
Both would be scarce commodities in Isshu, too.
White still wins.
Except for that Houndoom/Mightyena thing.
Why does White have to have the Flying/Elec legendary?!

Other than that; the exclusives are minor enough to not matter. I still want Black City pretty badly.
im getting both but black is the best and you're all gay (v.gay) for thinking otherwise
I disagree black is literally the weakest link out of the two.
I mean come on, even though there's black city and some decent exclusives they don't come close to topping off white.