1. Super Mario World
2.Because it's the absolute hight of platforming. Everything is designed really well, and even though some people don't like the graphics; I just love them. If that weren't enough, it nearly has 100 levels, and countless secrets to keep you busy.
3. A few games come to mind. LoZ:WW, Pikmin 2, Alundra, SMB3, Super Metroid, DKC and possibly a few others
4. Tough...but I'd have to go with Batman: Dark Tomorrow on GCN. Just thinking about it gives me a headache.
Favorite: MOTHER 3
It perfected the MOTHER battle system, and from what I know its story is very emotional.
Runner ups: Cave Story, Wind Waker, Punch-Out and Earthbound
Most Hated game: Carnival Games
Not that it's a bad game, it just extremely annoys me.
pikspiksmaroator Wrote:It perfected the MOTHER battle system, and from what I know its story is very emotional.
So true D;
One of the best RPGs imo

top fav: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle for the GCN
why?: because it was literally the first Sonic game I've ever played, and I didn't even know what it was, plus, it had the best Chao system invented and should've been redone (sorry), and on top of that, it was kind of the last REALLY good Sonic game, and then came Heroes...
close: I'd have to say... Soul Calibur III ,can't wait for IV. Tekken Dark Resurection, loved it,and still do, and it's the only reason why I still have my PSP. Brawl, getting together with my other Nintedo freak friends and playing this is like the greatest time EVER. And finally Virtua Fighter 4, though I've only JUST gotten into it TODAY, I really like it, AND it was the first 3d fighting game EVER, good job Sega!
hated the most: 4 syllables, Don-key, Kon-ga, I absolutely HATE that game, it's very anoying, the music isn't even good aside from a few songs, and it's anoying as hell. I'll admit, I'll play it every now and then (only because my borther got it), but it's very anoying, and it shouldn't be classified as a decent rhythme game. Did I mention it's anoying?
1. What is your favourite game of all time?
Oh God, I can't answer this question.
I have so many favourite games it's hard for me to decide. @.@
3. Anything else come close?
Half-Life, Half-Life: Opposing Force, Half-Life: Blue Shift, Half-Life 2, Portal, Counter-Strike: Source, [...]
I'm a Valve junkie. ;p
4. Your most hated game :>
Mega Man Battle Network/Star Force games. I don't understand why other people enjoy these games.
Best: Metal Gear Solid 4
i actually got to play it and the first hour within it i had an erection that lasted for hours
Worst: Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
the only thing cool was the kreate-a-fighter mode, and it didn't matter because the gameplay was slow, clunky and nonresponsive anyway
To tell the truth, I dislike E.T./Pac-Man for the 2600 because they started a crash, but games that I really hate are the Zelda CD-i games and all those overrated Mario games (read: anything after SM64).
1. What is your favourite game of all time?
Metal Slug X
Perfected Metal Slug without being stupidly long
3. Anything else come close?
Portal, Yoshi's Island, Contra 4
4. Your most hated game?
Mega Man Battle Network and until further notice ALL 3D Sonic games.
1. What is your favourite game of all time?
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
2. Why?
Take Paper Mario. Now, reamp the battle system with fun, unique Action Commands. Add cool new partners like Goombella, Bobbery, Vivian, Koops, and even a Yoshi you can name. Have it take place in a new setting, with new villians. Not to mention the hilarious writing and Bowser's take on the story. Add the Duplighost Doopliss, the boss who STEALS your identity, and you got a grade A Mario game!
3. Anything else come close?
The World Ends With You, Star Fox 64, Final Fantasy 6, Final Fantasy X, Metroid Zero Mission.
4. Your most hated game :>
Sonic Riders.
1. What is your favourite game of all time?
Super smash bros brawl
I'll never get bored of the music, features, and wifi compatibiity
3. Anything else come close?
Many games come close. They are Super mario world, super mario 64, LoZ the windwaker, LoZ Phantom Hourglass, Pokemon diamond and pearl, Guitar Hero lll, and the other two Super smash bros games.
4. Your most hated game :>
Movie based games: They really don't rule, the story lines aren't very good, and they are really bad according to me. I've tried barn yard for the wii, It isn't very fun at all. I've tried games based on Barnyard, Kung Fu Panda, Shrek, and many more older movie based games. they don't work out for me.
Sho_"Rocker"_Daisuke Wrote:hated the most: 4 syllables, Don-key, Kon-ga, I absolutely HATE that game, it's very anoying, the music isn't even good aside from a few songs, and it's anoying as hell. I'll admit, I'll play it every now and then (only because my borther got it), but it's very anoying, and it shouldn't be classified as a decent rhythme game. Did I mention it's anoying?
Donkey Konga ll is better for song choices. I really don't have much interest for playing "bingo" on bongos.
Raytheon Wrote:Being overrated doesn't make it a bad game, it's an incredibly good game.
I never said it was bad, just overrated. =P
1. Favorite Game?
Rayman 2: The Great Escape (PSX)
2. Why?
Platformers are one of my favorite genres, and it's not hard to call Rayman 2 one of the best 3D platformers of all time. Through and through it was challenging but not frustrating, had catchy music and sounds, beautiful environments, and good controls. It was fun as hell, and was the perfect length; not dissapointingly short, nor long to the point of getting boring. The levels and themes were diverse, so it wasn't too repetitive. Rayman 2 pushed everything to the limits without going overboard in any field.
tl;dr: Flawless 3D platformer.
3. Anything come close?
Metroid Prime would've been my second choice. Other really close ones include Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, Phoenix Wright 3, Metal Gear Solid, Trauma Center: UtK, Spyro 2, Crash Team Racing, Smash Bros trilogy, probably more I'm not remembering.
4. Most hated game?
Crash Boom Bang. Why do they have to rub salty piss in the gashes they've already caused in our childhood? Just let Crash die in peace, he's worse than Sonic nowadays.
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Although the graphics weren't as great as they could have been, The gameplay was amazing, and the story was engaging, (no rhyme intended) the weapons were awsome, (as usual) and the Wiimote added the greatest zelda experience ever. The things in the game I liked to do to pass the time include scaring the people in castle town, and looking for golden bugs.
all Zelda CD-i, Mario Teaches Typing.
These give both series bad names and don't deserve to be capitalized.
1. What is your favourite game of all time?
Sonic 2
Graphics, speed, cute companion, it just is great no matter what year it is or age you are.
3. Anything else come close?
Mario 64, Yoshi Island, Sonic Adventure 2, TP.
4. Your most hated game
STH06 - duh.
gangster guy Wrote:it's graphics sucked
man you're hilarious.