So, this is my first piece in a very long time, and the only one I'm even close to liking and thinking about continuing.
First off, I'd like to make sure my anatomy is correct, before I start doing stuff like clothes. So, have a wireframe+vague outline.
Also; I am aware it's a jpg, lol, but I was working in Photoshop and just tend to hit 'Enter' as soon as the Save box comes up. Luckily, it doesn't have any jpg artifacts! (At least, the version I'm looking at doesn't.)
I'm a bit too busy right now to throw together an edit, but I'd suggest working on a less eye-raping background color
Hahahaha, sorry. I changed it because christ, trying to see a bright colour on the transparent background pattern in Photoshop is
ETA: I just noticed the knees are nowhere near the same height. Fail, self. I'll sort it. Eventually.
30 second overdraw, but you should get the general idea
mine is also pretty imperfect (like the top half being kinda lopsided) but i did what i could *goes back to work*
Thanks! I knew I'd gotten the arms wrong, but I couldn't quite figure out how.
It's good to know I didn't get
too much wrong on my first try. I think I mostly drew the legs so thick is because mine are totally that shape
and i hate them, omfg.

i'd go ahead and strongly suggest the use of a proper reference.
I plan on using a reference when I get to the clothes (because I suck at folds, lul) but I'd like to think my grasp of human anatomy is thus far good enough for me to continue to fuck around.
But if you guys think it sucks? I'll totally see if I can find a reference (and if not, photograph myself stood in front of the mirror or something).
ANYWAY: Here is what I have been working on for the last hour (give or take; i was also watching speed racer.)
Updated body (based largely on Tyvon's):
And now, bonus face and hair!
I'm aware my palettes could probably use some work, the shadow on the face isn't dark enough. But fffffffff I tried about eight or nine times and I just could not make it look right. So you get my first face palette (which was, coincidentally, the best one).
IDK how I feel about the hair - I don't like the colours. But black is freaking hard to shade and I'm terrible at making good brown palettes, soooo. You get this. I like the shape of it, though. And the shading. Sort of.
ALSO: I HATE THE EYES. THEY LOOK CREEPY. But it was the best I could make them look.
that looks like a man
with body of a girl :I
the colors need more contrast and a little hue shift could work wonders here.
no, get a reference now because you dont even get how a human body is suposed to look.
human bodies have muscles, bones, that give it a mass and a defined structure. yours is anything but something defined.
even if you feel like being weak and not able to do so, go ahead and trace a human body, but at least work over something that does look like a human.
(07-23-2010, 07:42 PM)Emma Wrote: [ -> ]I'll totally see if I can find a reference (and if not, photograph myself stood in front of the mirror or something).
References are good for almost everything, especially in a situation where you need to make sure the anatomy is correct. Even in situations where you don't need the photo or reference for the exact thing, but are rather using it as an inspiration, the reference will contain details that make the inspired product more identifiable. Like if you're drawing a bow and arrow, it doesn't need to look exactly like a standard bow an arrow from several hundred years ago, but the basic shape and structure of the inspired result should still be the same or similar.
Basically, listen to Metaru/Gorsal.
(07-23-2010, 10:45 PM)Francisco Cifuentes Wrote: [ -> ]human bodies have muscles, bones, that give it a mass and a defined structure.
actually i was pretty much going on what shape i know my body is, especially in regards to the legs
but i do know that breasts don't really sit like that.
i'm probably going to do a complete redo of this, or just scrap it and do something else entirely. ughhhh.
maybe working on a smaller, more accesible sprite would be better to start after so much time doing nothing
Such as...? (Seriously, IDK what else to do.)
something smaller should be easier to handle and would require less details. just sue your imagination.