(´・ω・`) Chinese Soundwave says:
yesterday i was talking to bean about capcoms comic-con announcements and i said thered be 3 street fighter games and nothing important
so far its
street fighter vs tekken, and street fighter 3: online edition
you can't be sick of street fighter III because it's the only one that's worth playing even after you play it to death (unlike SF4)
Considering I've never played III and my friend NEVER stops talking about it, I'm hyped as hell.
the best things about SF3 are dudley and twelve
twelve is just cool and I can own literally anyone with dudley
There's talk of the system working like GGPO (Good Game peace Out, look it up.) God willing that happens. I'm more of a Supercade guy but whateva.
I just realized that my friend might be MILDLY disappointed, because his brother mentioned how there were avatar clothes on PShome or something for some Street Fighter III characters, and his brother suspected that it meant certain characters were going to be made into downloadable content for Street Fighter IV.
... But then he'd go even more ballistic over the fact that it's actually Street Fighter III, probably his most favorite game ever.

nope, but there is Sean, the superior Dan
I never played SFIII, was really big on SSFII and I'm super huge on SSFIV. So this is an instant get for me.
Althought is unquestionable that the art and sound (even the roster) of SSFIV is better than SFIII, I think SFIII is way better than SSFIV in gameplay.
It was really more fun to play and Street Fighter shouldn't go to the 3D route. They should make like KOFXIII, which looks really beautiful and fun.
And also Sean isn't superior to Dan as a comic relief...
(07-27-2010, 09:59 AM)Alpha Six Wrote: [ -> ]nope, but there is Sean, the superior Dan
No. Be Dan Hibiki!
I actually didn't like SF3, but I think this is the thing that'll break that. I've played it and liked...things about it but I thought all the characters were really weird. >:
But then I actually played it and liked the hell out of Ibuki and Makoto. so